Actemium Portugal

2664-502 São Julião do Tojal
- 218454000
- 218454029
- geral.cap(AT)

Company / Business focus:
Actemium in Portugal is a turnkey project development company for SCADA, automation and control systems
Process of international projects
Business activities mainly in the own country
Energy & Environment, Industry, Oil & Gas, Airports, IoT, Energy, Water/Wastewater, Irrigation, Building Automation,
Field of business activity:
1: REN Gasodutos - Natural Gas Transport Network
2: Novarka - ICS and Radiation Monitoring System
3: Sonatrach - GK1 Natural Gas Transport Pipeline
4: EDIA - Irrigation System of Alvito Pisão
5: ABVV - Irrigation System of Vilariça Valey