Croonwolter&dros B.V.

Marten Meesweg 25
3068 AV Rotterdam
WinCC Partner

Company / Business focus:

Process of international projects

Main focus:
Specialist in infrastructure projects In major infrastructure projects Croon is one of the best equipped specialists. We supply complete electrical solutions for tunnels, bridges and locks. Our structured approach to and knowledge of tunnels resulted in a contract for the entire technology for the new Coentunnel route, including maintenance for a period of 30 years. Traffic and tunnel installations for the entire Coentunnel route consist of more than fifty different systems.



The Industry group of Croon is a true systems integrator. We offer a full range of services in electrical engineering and automation for industrial environments. At the same time we have developed our expertise in Smart Industry, Security, Big Data, Internet of Things and Sustainability.


Building Automation,  Energy,  Water/Wastewater,  Traffic & Transport,  Oil & Gas,  Industry,  Pharmaceutical Batch Control Systems,  Food & Beverage,  Chemical/Petrochemical

Field of business activity:

1. Rijkswaterstaat: Eerste en tweede Coentunnel

2. Rijkswaterstaat: Botlekbrug

3. Waterschap Scheldestromen: Vervanging Procesautomatiseringssysteem Regio Oost en West

4. Gemeente Amsterdam: Metro oostlijn

5. PPG: Productiesysteem

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