Configuration of the Video Server
After a successful installation of the video server components further configuration is necessary for the video server . In the following sections the configuration of a single server and a redundant server is shown:
Configuration of a simple Server
Specify the TCP port which shall be used for the video server with the entry Port in the section [ConfigClient] of
(in C:\vimacc\config):[ConfigServer] Port=9370
Specify the host name and the port for the entry Server1 in the section [ConfigClient]. The clients use the host name and the port to connect to the server.
[ConfigClient] Server1=WCCOA-SRV01 9370
Configuration of a redundant Server
- Specify the TCP port for the use of the video server with the entry Port in the section [ConfigClient] in the config
file .
[ConfigServer] Port=9370
- Specify the host names and the ports of both servers on which the video server is available for clients in the
[ConfigClient] section by using the entries Server1 and Server2. The order of the Server entries
defines which server shall be contacted first by the respective client.
[ConfigClient] Server1=<DNS name of server1> 9370 Server2=<DNS name of server2> 9370
Use the entry ServerPort in the section [Bridge] to specify the port used by both video servers for the synchronization. Enter the peer host name by using the entry ServerHost. Define the master server by using the config entry IAmServer.
Server 1:
Server 2:[Bridge] ServerPort=7001 ServerHost=<DNS name of server2> IAmServer=true
[Bridge] ServerPort=7001 ServerHost=<DNS name of server1> IAmServer=false
"Vimacc StopServices"
and "Vimacc StartServices"
from the group "video management system" as
administrator to do so.