Class WinccoaManager

Main class of the TypeScript/JavaScript API to the WinCC OA JavaScript Manager for Node.jsĀ®.


All methods described in this documentation must be called from code inside a method or function to prevent unexpected or undefined behavior.

To use the API, an instance of this class needs to be created, e. g.:

import { WinccoaManager } from 'winccoa-manager';
const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

Data Point

Data Point Type






Data Point

  • Returns the data point name for the specified alias.


    • alias: string

      Data point alias to look up

    Returns string

    Data point name for given alias.

    WinccoaError when alias is not found or invalid argument type.

    const alias = 'aliasReport1';
    const dpName = winccoa.dpAliasToName(alias);`DP for alias ${alias}: ${dpName}`);
  • Returns the data type of a given data point attribute.


    • dpAttributeName: string

      The data point attribute name.

    Returns WinccoaCtrlType

    Returns the data type as a WinccoaCtrlType.

    WinccoaError when the data point attribute does not exist or in case of an invalid argument type.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaCtrlType } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function dpAttributeType() {'ExampleDP_AlertHdl1.:_original.._value') == WinccoaCtrlType.bool);
  • Creates a connection for being notified of data point element updates.


    • callback: WinccoaDpConnectCallback

      Function that is called whenever a connected value changes.

    • dpeNames: string | string[]

      DPE name(s) to connect to.

      • Each update will contain updates for all elements in dpeNames, not only the changed values.
      • Each update will contain an array of values, also if only a single data point element name is given.
    • answer: boolean = true

      if true, callback is called with the initial values right away, if false, callback is only called after an actual value change.

    Returns number

    ID of the new connection (>= 0). This can be used to disconnect from updates if required with dpDisconnect. Otherwise the connection will be closed when the manager exits.

    WinccoaError when invalid parameter types, unknown data point element names etc.

    For an example describing how to pass user data to a callback, see the second example for WinccoaDpQueryConnectCallback.

    import {
    } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    function connectCB(
    names: string[],
    values: unknown[],
    type: WinccoaConnectUpdateType,
    error?: WinccoaError
    ) {
    if (error) {

    if (type == WinccoaConnectUpdateType.Answer)
    console.warn('--- Initial update ---');

    for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++)`[${i}] '${names[i]}' : ${values[i]}`);

    function connect() {
    let id = -1;
    try {
    id = winccoa.dpConnect(
    ['ExampleDP_Arg1.', 'ExampleDP_Arg2.'],
    } catch (exc) {
  • Copies a data point including its configuration.


    • source: string

      Name of the data point to copy.

    • destination: string

      Name of the new copied data point. Must not exist yet.

    • Optionaldriver: number

      Optional driver number (default 1).

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with an error. In case of an error, error.details will contain the same error code that CTRL function dpCopy() would return (see there).

    WinccoaError when given source data point does not exist, when data point is copied into itself, invalid argument given, etc.

    async function dpCopyTest() {
    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = await winccoa.dpCopy('ExampleDP_Arg1', 'ExampleDP_Arg3');
    } catch (exc) {
    }"DP ExampleDP_Arg1 is copied to ExampleDP_Arg3 successfully - " + isSuccess);
  • Creates a data point.


    • dpeName: string

      Name of the data point to be created.

    • dpType: string

      Type of data point to be created.

    • OptionalsystemId: number

      To create a data point on a remote system in a distributed system, this parameter must contain the system number.

    • OptionaldpId: number

      The ID of the data point. If a data point with the given ID already exists, a random ID is chosen.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with an error.

    WinccoaError in case of:

    • invalid argument type is given,
    • invalid dpeName, dpType or non-existing systemId is given,
    • data point with the given dpeName is already exist.
    let dpCreated = false;
    try {
    dpCreated = await winccoa.dpCreate('newFloatDpe', 'ExampleDP_Float');
    } catch (exc) {
    }"DP newFloatDpe is created - " + dpCreated);
  • Deletes a data point.


    • dpName: string

      Name of the data point to be deleted. In case of a distributed system the name of the data point to be deleted must contain the system name.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with an error.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given name does not exist or current user has no privileges to delete a DP.

    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = await winccoa.dpCreate('newDpe', 'ExampleDP_Float');
    } catch (exc) {

    if (isSuccess)
    try {
    isSuccess = await winccoa.dpDelete('newDpe');
    } catch (exc) {
    }"DP newDpe was deleted successfully - " + isSuccess);
  • Disconnect from data point element update connections established with dpConnect.


    • id: number

      ID of the connection to close as returned by dpConnect.

    Returns number

    ID of the connection that has been closed (>= 0).

    WinccoaError when id is not found or invalid.

    function connect() {
    let id = -1;
    try {
    id = winccoa.dpConnect(
    ['ExampleDP_Arg1.', 'ExampleDP_Arg2.'],
    } catch (exc) {

    function disconnect() {
    try {
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns the data typeof a data point element.


    • dpeName: string

      Name of the data point element

    Returns WinccoaElementType

    Type of a data point element

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaElementType } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    function dpElementTypeTest() {
    try {
    let dpType = winccoa.dpElementType('ExampleDP_Arg1.');'The type of ExampleDP_Arg1 is float - ' + (dpType == WinccoaElementType.Float));
    } catch (exc) {
  • Checks the existence of a valid data point identifier.


    • dpeName: string

      A data point identifier: a sys, a DPT, a DP, a DPE, a config, a detail or an attr.

    Returns boolean

    true if at least one part of a data point identifier can be resolved correctly, otherwise false.

    WinccoaError when invalid argument type is given.

    let isDpExists = false;
    try {
    isDpExists = winccoa.dpExists('ExampleDP_Arg1.');
    } catch (exc) {
    }"Is ExampleDP_Arg1 exists - " + isDpExists);
  • Get the current values of one or more data point elements.


    • dpeNames: string | string[]

      Data point element name(s) of the values to get.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    Promise that resolves to the current value(s) of the DPE(s). The received values must be cast to their expected types before they can be used.

    WinccoaError when DPE does not exist or current user has no read access to it.

    const dpes = ['ExampleDP_Arg1.', 'ExampleDP_DDE.b1'];
    try {
    const values = (await winccoa.dpGet(dpes)) as [number, boolean];
    for (let i = 0; i < dpes.length; i++) {`${dpes[i]}: ${values[i]}`);
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns the alias for the specified data point.


    • dpeName: string

      Data point element

    Returns string

    the appropriate alias in the language. Note that the alias can be only unilingual.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type.

    try {
    const alias = winccoa.dpGetAlias('ExampleDP_Rpt1.');'DP alias: ' + alias);
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns data points and their aliases with the possibility to filter by data point element and/or alias.


    • aliasFilter: string = ''

      Pattern string for filtering the aliases (for example,'Engine*', '*').

    • dpeFilter: string = ''

      Pattern string for filtering data point elements (for example '*.para'). An empty dpe pattern ('') and a '*' are treated like ALL DPEs. Also queries on remote systems can be executed. The system is part of the dpeFilter (for example, 'Sys23:*.**' - returns all aliases of a specific system; '*:*.**' would return the aliases of all systems. you can use it e.g. in a distributed system). Several systems can be defined with a list (for example, 'Sys{1,2,3,45}:Ex*').

    Returns {
    Ā Ā Ā Ā aliases: string[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā dpNames: string[];

    Object containing two arrays with DPE names and their aliases that matching filter criteria. Both arrays have the same size.

    • aliases: string[]

      Aliases corresponding to the DPEs in dpNames.

    • dpNames: string[]

      Data point elements.

    const { aliases, dpNames } = winccoa.dpGetAllAliases('*Pub*', '*Group*.');
    for (let i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++)`${aliases[i]} --> ${dpNames[i]}`);
  • Returns all attributes for the given config name.


    • configName: string

      Name of the config.

    Returns string[]

    Array of attributes of a config.

    WinccoaError in case of an invalid argument type.

    function getAllDetails() {
    try {
    const atts = winccoa.dpGetAllAttributes('_original');, 'number of attributes = ' + atts.length);
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns all possible configs, which are allowed to configure for the given data point element or data point type.


    Returns string[]

    Array of configs for dpNameOrType.

    WinccoaError when data point or type with the given dpNameOrType is not found or invalid argument type.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaElementType } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    function getAllConfigs() {
    try {
    const configs = winccoa.dpGetAllConfigs(WinccoaElementType.String);;
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns all data points and all descriptions that correspond to the given filters.


    • OptionaldescriptionFilter: string

      Pattern string for filtering the descriptions (optional, default: *).

    • OptionaldpeFilter: string

      Pattern string for filtering data point elements (optional, default: *.**). An empty pattern ("") and a * are treated like *.**.

    • Optionalmode: number

      Mode of functionality. For more details on all modes description see CTRL function dpGetAllDescriptions().

    Returns {
    Ā Ā Ā Ā descriptions: WinccoaLangString[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā dpNames: string[];

    Object containing two arrays with data point names and their corresponding description.

    • descriptions: WinccoaLangString[]

      Descriptions corresponding to the DPEs in dpNames

    • dpNames: string[]

      Data point names.

    const { dpNames, descriptions } = winccoa.dpGetAllDescriptions('*', 'Example*');
    for (let i = 0; i < dpNames.length; i++)`Description for ${dpNames[i]}: ${descriptions[i]}`);
  • Returns all details of a given config name.


    • configName: string

      Name of the config.

    Returns string[]

    Array of details of a config.

    WinccoaError in case of an invalid argument type.

    try {
    const details = winccoa.dpGetAllDetails('_auth');;
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns the comment (description) for the data point.


    • dpeName: string

      Data point element or data point

    • Optionalmode: number

      Mode of functionality. For more details on all modes description see CTRL function dpGetDescription().

    Returns WinccoaLangString

    Description in all available languages as or empty strings in all languages.

    The returned data type can be defined with setOptions.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type.

    let description;
    try {
    description = winccoa.dpGetDescription('ExampleDP_Rpt1.');
    } catch (exc) {
    description = null;

    if (description)'DP description: ' + description);
  • This function returns the numerical format(s) of a data point.


    • dpeName: string

      Data point element

    Returns WinccoaLangString

    Returns a string that contains the format (for example, '%6.2f') in one or several languages or an empty string if an error occured.

    The returned data type can be defined with setOptions.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type.

    let formats;
    try {
    formats = winccoa.dpGetFormat('ExampleDP_Rpt1.');
    } catch (exc) {
    formats = null;

    if (formats)'DP formats: ' + formats);
  • Returns the data point ID and the element ID of the given data point.


    • dpName: string

      Name of the data point.

    Returns number[]

    Array of size 2 with the first value - data point ID and the second value - element ID.

    WinccoaError in case of an invalid argument type or data point does not exist.

    const dpe = 'ExampleDP_DDE.f1';
    try {
    const dpEl_id = winccoa.dpGetId(dpe);'data point ID = ' + dpEl_id[0], 'element id = ' + dpEl_id[1]);
    } catch (exc) {
  • The function returns the value(s) of one or more data point elements from the driver. This function is available for the OPC UA Client, Modbus, S7Plus, SNMP, OPC drivers and S-Bus driver. The use of this function is only useful if an input or input/output peripheral address exists for a data point element. If a peripheral address exists, the function triggers a singleQuery for a driver if the value of the data point element dpName is older than the parameter age. The function returns the value from the driver. If a peripheral address does not exist, the function works as the function dpGet meaning that the function returns a value immediately irrespective of how old the value is.


    • age: number

      The maximum age of the value in milliseconds. When value is older than age, then value from the driver is returned.

    • dpeNames: string | string[]

      Data point element name(s) whose value is queried.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    Promise that resolves to the current value(s) of the DPE(s). The received values must be cast to their expected types before they can be used.

    WinccoaError when DPE does not exist or current user has no read access to it.

    const dpes = ['EIPtestCompactIN.BOOL', 'EIPtestCompactIN.INT', 'EIPtestCompactIN.STRING'];
    try {
    // get value with the max age less than 5 seconds
    const values = (await winccoa.dpGetMaxAge(5000, dpes)) as [boolean, number, string];
    for (let i = 0; i < dpes.length; i++) {`${dpes[i]}: ${values[i]}`);
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns the data point name for the given data point ID and element ID.


    • dpId: number

      Data point ID.

    • elemId: number

      Element ID.

    • OptionalsystemId: number

      System ID (optional). When not specified - own system.

    Returns string

    The data point name.

    WinccoaError in case of an invalid argument type or data point does not exist with the given ID.

    try {
    const dpName = winccoa.dpGetName(1, 1);'data point with id 1 and element id 1 =' + dpName);
    } catch (exc) {
  • Queries DP attributes over a specified period of time.


    • startTime: WinccoaTime

      The start time of the interval from which values should be returned.

    • endTime: WinccoaTime

      The end time of the interval from which values should be returned.

    • dpeList: string[]

      Single or multiple Data Points in an array.

    • count: number = 0

      Optional number of values before startTime and after endTime that will also be returned.

    Returns Promise<{
    Ā Ā Ā Ā times: WinccoaTime[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā values: unknown[];

    Promise will be resolved to data for the given DPEs if successful. It consists of an array of results (one for each DPE, in the order they are given in dpeList), each result contains two arrays, one for the values and one for the corresponding value change timestamps).

    Promise will be rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • empty data point list dpList
    • data point not found
    • invalid requestId
    const dpe = 'System1:ExampleDP_Trend1.';
    const startTime = new Date(2023);
    const endTime = new Date(2025);
    console.log(await winccoa.dpGetPeriod(startTime, endTime, [dpe]));
  • Queries DP attributes over a specified period of time. There are two calls, the first call described below and subsequent calls with requestId.


    • startTime: WinccoaTime

      The start time of the interval from which values should be returned.

    • endTime: WinccoaTime

      The end time of the interval from which values should be returned.

    • dpeList: string[]

      Single or multiple Data Points in an array.

    • Optionalcount: number

      Optional number of values before startTime and after endTime that also have to be read out.

    Returns Promise<{
    Ā Ā Ā Ā answerId: number;
    Ā Ā Ā Ā data: {
    Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā times: WinccoaTime[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā values: unknown[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā }[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā id: number;
    Ā Ā Ā Ā progress: number;

    Promise will be resolved to an object containing:

    • id Unique ID which must be used in subsequent calls (this is invalid when progress is 100)
    • answerId Request or answer ID from data manager.
    • progress Shows how much of the function was executed. 100 means that the function was executed completely.
    • data Data identically to the result of dpGetPeriod,

    Use this function signature for the first call.

    Promise will be rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • empty data point list dpList
    • data point not found
    • invalid requestId
    async function test() {
    const dpe = 'System1:ExampleDP_Trend1.';
    const startTime = new Date(2023);
    const endTime = new Date(2025);

    const showResult = function (data: { times: WinccoaTime[]; values: unknown[] }[]) {
    if (data.length > 0) {
    const { times, values } = data[0];
    for (let i = 0; i < data[0].times.length; i++) {
    `query line - timestamp = '${times[i]}' - value = ${values[i]}`,

    let result = await winccoa.dpGetPeriodSplit(startTime, endTime, [dpe]);
    while (result.progress != 100) {
    result = await winccoa.dpGetPeriodSplit(;

    await test();
  • Queries DP attributes over a specified period of time.


    • requestId: number

      ID, only, subsequent calls.

    Returns Promise<{
    Ā Ā Ā Ā answerId: number;
    Ā Ā Ā Ā data: {
    Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā times: WinccoaTime[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā values: unknown[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā }[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā id: number;
    Ā Ā Ā Ā progress: number;

    Promise as described in dpGetPeriodSplit above.

    Use this function signature for subsequent call.

  • This function returns the unit(s) of a data point.


    • dpeName: string

      Data point element

    Returns WinccoaLangString

    Returns the unit in one or several languages. In the event of an error, an empty string is returned.

    The returned data type can be defined with setOptions.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type.

    try {
    let units = winccoa.dpGetUnit('ExampleDP_Rpt1.');'DP units: ' + units);
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns all the data point names or the data point element names that match a pattern in alphabetical order.


    • dpPattern: string = ''

      Serach pattern. When an empty pattern is given (=default), then returns all data points.
      Wildcards are used to filter data point name. The charcters * and ? are used for the purpose, where the asterisk (*) replaces any number of characters and the question mark ? stands for just one character. Only data points that have the same number of levels as specified are found. Levels are separated by a period. dpNames(**) is equivalent to dpNames(*.*).

      • :* returns all configs, :config.* returns all details, :config.detail.* returns all attributes
      • dp.el:* returns only the configs according to the DPE. , for example, no _original for a node.

      Wildcards can be used in arrays (square brackets , e.g.: [0,3,5-7] - numbers 0,3,5,6,7) or outside arrays in option lists (in curly brackets {}).
      Example of wildcards in lists of options:

      winccoa.dpNames('{*.Ala.*,*.Ala*}', dpType);
      winccoa.dpNames('*{.Ala.,.Ala}*', dpType);
      winccoa.dpNames('*.A{la.,la}*', dpType);
      winccoa.dpNames('*.Al{a.,a}*', dpType);
      winccoa.dpNames('*.Ala{.,}*', dpType);
      winccoa.dpNames('*.Ala{.}*', dpType);
      winccoa.dpNames('*.Ala.*', dpType);
      winccoa.dpNames('*.Ala*', dpType);
    • dpType: string = ''

      Data point type. Allows to restrict the returned data points to a specific data point type. When using the parameter only data points that match the pattern and the selected data point type will be returned.

    • ignoreCase: boolean = false

      Defines if the search should ignore the casing of the search pattern (=true) or not (=false, default)

    Returns string[]

    List with data points or data point element names.

    WinccoaError when invalid argument type is given.

    let foundDpNames: string[] = [];
    try {
    foundDpNames = winccoa.dpNames('ExampleDP*', 'ExampleDP_Float');
    } catch (exc) {

    for (let i = 0; i < foundDpNames.length; i++) {"DPE name: " +;
  • Retrieves attribute values with the help of SQL statements.


    • query: string

      SQL statement.

    Returns Promise<unknown[][]>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with an error.

    The query result has a table-like structure:

    [0][0] (empty) [0][1] column header ...
    [1][0] line name [1][0] content of line ...
    [2][0] line name [2][1] content of line ...
    ... ... ...

    e.g. this is the output for the query "SELECT '_original.._value' FROM 'ExampleDP_Arg*'" converted to JSON:


    WinccoaError when invalid parameter or query string is given.

    let result;
    try {
    result = await winccoa.dpQuery(
    `SELECT '_original.._stime', '_original.._value' FROM 'ExampleDP_Arg*'`,
    } catch (exc) {
    result = null;
    if (result) {
    const queryTable: string[][] = result as string[][];
    for (let i = 0; i < queryTable.length; i++) {
    `query line - name: '%s' - timestamp = %s - value = %s`,
  • Calls callback whenever one or more DPEs which meet the query condition change.

    It is recommended to use dpQueryConnectSingle if possible from the performance point of view.


    • callback: WinccoaDpQueryConnectCallback

      Function that is called whenever a subscribed DPE value changes. The update message will contain all subscribed DPEs.

    • answer: boolean

      if true, callback is called with the initial DPE values right away, if false, callback is only called for an actual value change.

    • query: string

      query as an SQL statement.

    • blockingTime: number = -1

      Time in milli-seconds when the call of the callback function is blocked by an open query. In this time, query results are collected and then returned after blockingTime in a single callback. If blockingTime is set to 0, the callback function is called immediately when a value is updated. If not given, the blocking time is read from the config entry queryHLBlockedTime.

    Returns number

    ID of the new connection (>= 0). This can be used to disconnect from updates if required with dpQueryDisconnect. Otherwise the connection will be closed when the manager exits.

    WinccoaError when invalid parameter types, empty or invalid query, etc.

    When the query passed to this method is invalid, no exception is thrown, but the first (and only) callback will contain a WinccoaError instead.

    For an example describing how to pass user data to a callback, see the second example for WinccoaDpQueryConnectCallback.

    import {
    } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    function queryConnectCB (
    values: unknown[][],
    type: WinccoaConnectUpdateType,
    error?: WinccoaError
    ) {
    if (error) {

    if (type == WinccoaConnectUpdateType.Answer)
    console.warn('--- Initial update ---');

    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {`DPE = '%s', value = %s`, ...values[i]);

    function connect() {
    let id = -1;
    try {
    id = winccoa.dpQueryConnectAll(
    `SELECT '_online.._value' FROM '*' WHERE _DPT="ExampleDP_Float"`
    } catch (exc) {
  • Calls callback whenever one or more DPEs which meet the query condition are changed.


    • callback: WinccoaDpQueryConnectCallback

      Function that is called whenever a subscribed DPE value changes. The update message will contain only changed DPEs.

    • answer: boolean

      if true, callback is called with the initial DPE values right away, if false, callback is only called for an actual value change.

    • query: string

      query as an SQL statement.

    • blockingTime: number = -1

      Time in milli-seconds when the call of the callback function is blocked by an open query. In this time, query results are collected and then returned after blockingTime in a single callback. If blockingTime is set to 0, the callback function is called immediately when a value is updated. If not given, the blocking time is read from the config entry queryHLBlockedTime.

    Returns number

    ID of the new connection (>= 0). This can be used to disconnect from updates if required with dpQueryDisconnect. Otherwise the connection will be closed when the manager exits.

    WinccoaError when invalid parameter types, empty query, etc.

    When the query passed to this method is invalid, no exception is thrown, but the first (and only) callback will contain a WinccoaError instead.

    For an example describing how to pass user data to a callback, see the second example for WinccoaDpQueryConnectCallback.

    import {
    } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    function queryConnectCB (
    values: unknown[][],
    type: WinccoaConnectUpdateType,
    error?: WinccoaError
    ) {
    if (error) {

    if (type == WinccoaConnectUpdateType.Answer)
    console.warn('--- Initial update ---');

    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {`DPE = '%s', value = %s`, ...values[i]);

    function connect() {
    let id = -1;
    try {
    id = winccoa.dpQueryConnectSingle(
    `SELECT '_online.._value' FROM '*' WHERE _DPT="ExampleDP_Float"`
    } catch (exc) {
  • Disconnect from dpQueryConnectSingle (or dpQueryConnectAll) .


    Returns number

    ID of the closed connection (>= 0).

    WinccoaError when id is not found or invalid.

    import {
    } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    function connect() {
    let id = -1;
    try {
    id = winccoa.dpQueryConnectSingle(
    function (
    values: unknown[][],
    type: WinccoaConnectUpdateType,
    error?: WinccoaError
    ) {
    if (error) {
    "SELECT '_online.._value' FROM '*' WHERE _DPT= \"ExampleDP_Float\""
    } catch (exc) {

    function disconnect() {
    try {
    } catch (exc) {
  • Query attributes of a set of data points as an SQL-like query string. Use the function when you query a large amount of data. The function reduces the system load and offers a considerable advantage when dealing with a large amount of data. To cancel a dpQuerySplit use dpCancelSplitRequest. After WinccoaOptions.splitTimeout milliseconds, the id is invalid.


    • queryOrId: string | number

      First call: SQL statement, subsequent calls: ID.

    Returns Promise<{
    Ā Ā Ā Ā answerId: number;
    Ā Ā Ā Ā data?: unknown[][];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā id: number;
    Ā Ā Ā Ā progress: number;

    Promise will be resolved to an object containing:

    • id Unique ID which must be used in subsequent calls (this is invalid when progress is 100)
    • answerId Request or answer ID from data manager.
    • progress Shows how much of the function was executed. 100 means that the function was executed completely.
    • data Data identically to the result of dpQuery.

    Promise will be rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • query is invalid
    • id is invalid
    • dpQuerySplit is called again without waiting for previous dpQuerySplit promise to be resolved or rejected.

    Various argument errors.

    async function test() {
    // TIMERANGE: use historic data, otherwise no split occur
    const query = `SELECT '_original.._stime', '_original.._value' FROM '_*' TIMERANGE("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "2060-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", 0, 0)`;
    let result;

    const showResult = function (queryTable: string[][]) {
    for (let i = 0; i < queryTable.length; i++) {
    `query line - name: '%s' - timestamp = %s - value = %s`,

    result = await winccoa.dpQuerySplit(query);
    showResult( as string[][]);
    while (result.progress != 100) {
    result = await winccoa.dpQuerySplit(;
    showResult( as string[][]);
    await test();
  • Set the value of one or more data point element(s).


    • dpeNames: string | string[]

      Data point element name(s) of the values to set.

    • values: unknown

      Values to set. Must have the same size as dpeNames. If dpeNames is a single string and not an array, this parameter must also be a single value and not an array.

    Returns boolean

    true if successful, otherwise WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    Since this method does not wait for the actual value update in the database, the update can still fail after this method returned true. Use dpSetWait to also get informed about these errors.

    WinccoaError when DPE names do not exist, values cannot be converted, array sizes mismatch etc.

    const dpes = ['ExampleDP_Arg1.', 'ExampleDP_DDE.b1'];
    const values = [123.456, false];
    try {
    winccoa.dpSet(dpes, values); // Two arrays of size 2
    winccoa.dpSet('ExampleDP_Arg2.', 2); // single value
    } catch (exc) {
  • Sets the alias for the specified data point element.


    • dpeName: string

      Data point element

    • alias: string

      Alias to be set. Note that the alias can be set only unilingual.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with an error.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type, etc.

    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = await winccoa.dpSetAlias('ExampleDP_Rpt1.', 'rpt1Alias');
    } catch (exc) {
    }'DP alias is set successfully - ' + isSuccess);
  • This function sets the data points listed in dpNamesSet to the values given in dpValuesSet and waits for another set of data points to change their values until all specified conditions are met (that is, all values of the data points listed in dpNamesWait are equal to the values given in conditions). Once conditions are fulfilled, it returns the values of another set of data points (given in dpNamesReturn). If the conditions are not met within the specified timeoutMs period, the promise is rejected.


    The values in conditions are compared directly in TypeScript, not by WinCC OA. Therefore the comparision is not as strict as it would be when using the CTRL function dpSetAndWaitForValue(), which also checks the type of the values. For example, in CTRL an integer value will never match a float value, also if both have the same numeric value, while in JavaScript the comparision will only based on the numeric value.


    • dpNamesSet: string[]

      Names of the data points to set.

    • dpValuesSet: unknown[]

      Values to set, must have the same size as dpNamesSet.

    • dpNamesWait: string[]

      Names of the data points to wait for a value change.

    • conditions: unknown[]

      Expected values for the data points in dpNamesWait to wait for. Must have the same size as dpNamesWait.

    • dpNamesReturn: string[]

      Names of the data points whose values will be returned in the Promise.

    • timeoutMs: number = 0

      Optional timeout for waiting on conditions.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    Promise containing the values for dpNamesReturn .

    WinccoaError when timeout expired, DPE names do not exist, values cannot be converted, array sizes mismatch, no write access etc.

    const argNames = ['ExampleDP_Arg1.', 'ExampleDP_Arg2.'];
    const resultName = ['ExampleDP_Result.'];

    await winccoa.dpSetAndWaitForValue(
    [3, 7],
  • Sets a comment (description) for the data point.


    • dpeName: string

      Data point element to be commented on.

    • comment: WinccoaLangString

      Comment in one or all languages.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with an error.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type, etc.

    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = await winccoa.dpSetDescription('ExampleDP_Rpt1.', {
    'de_AT.utf8': 'German description',
    'en_US.utf8': 'English description',
    'ru_RU.utf8': 'Russian description',
    } catch (exc) {
    }'DP description is set successfully - ' + isSuccess);
  • Sets the numerical format(s) of a data point.


    • dpeName: string

      Data point element

    • format: WinccoaLangString

      A string that contains the format (for example, '%6.2f') in one or several languages.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with an error.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type, etc.

    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = await winccoa.dpSetFormat('ExampleDP_Rpt1.', {
    'de_AT.utf8': '%.4f',
    'en_US.utf8': '%.4f',
    'ru_RU.utf8': '%.2f',
    } catch (exc) {
    }'DP formats are set successfully - ' + isSuccess);
  • Set values of one or more data point element(s) with a given source time.


    • time: WinccoaTime

      Source time for the value change.

    • dpeNames: string | string[]

      Data point element name(s) of the values to set.

    • values: unknown

      Values to set. Must have the same size as dpeNames. If dpeNames is a single string and not an array, this parameter must also be a single value and not an array.

    Returns boolean

    Boolean true in case of a success, otherwise false.

    Since this method does not wait for the actual value update in the database, the update can still fail after this method returned true. Use dpSetTimedWait to also get informed about these errors.

    WinccoaError when DPE names do not exist, values cannot be converted, array sizes mismatch etc.

    const timeStamp = new Date('2023-01-03T04:05:06.789Z');
    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = winccoa.dpSetTimed(timeStamp, 'ExampleDP_Arg1.', 2);
    } catch (exc) {
    }"dpSetTimed call is successed - " + isSuccess);
  • Set values of one or more data point element(s) with a given source time.


    • time: WinccoaTime

      Source time for the value change.

    • dpeNames: string | string[]

      Data point element name(s) of the values to set.

    • values: unknown

      Values to set. Must have the same size as dpeNames. If dpeNames is a single string and not an array, this parameter must also be a single value and not an array.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise that resolves to true if succesful. If not successful, a WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    WinccoaError when DPE names do not exist, values cannot be converted, array sizes mismatch, no write access etc.

    const timeStamp = new Date('2023-01-03T04:05:06.789Z');
    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = await winccoa.dpSetTimedWait(timeStamp, 'ExampleDP_Arg1.', 2);
    } catch (exc) {
    }"Time and value are set for ExampleDP_Arg1 - " + isSuccess);
  • Sets the unit(s) for a data point.


    • dpeName: string

      Data point

    • unit: WinccoaLangString

      Unit (for example, kg) in one or several languages.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with an error.

    WinccoaError when data point with the given dpeName is not found or invalid argument type, etc.

    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = await winccoa.dpSetUnit('ExampleDP_Rpt1.', {
    'de_AT.utf8': 's',
    'en_US.utf8': 's',
    'ru_RU.utf8': 'c',
    } catch (exc) {
    }'DP units are set successfully - ' + isSuccess);
  • Set the value of one or more data point element(s).


    • dpeNames: string | string[]

      Data point element name(s) of the values to set.

    • values: unknown

      Values to set. Must have the same size as dpeNames. If dpeNames is a single string and not an array, this parameter must also be a single value and not an array.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise that resolves to true if succesful. If not successful, a WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    WinccoaError when DPE names do not exist, values cannot be converted, array sizes mismatch, no write access etc.

    const dpes = ['ExampleDP_Arg1.', 'ExampleDP_DDE.b1'];
    const values = [123.456, false];
    try {
    await winccoa.dpSetWait(dpes, values); // Two arrays of size 2
    await winccoa.dpSetWait('ExampleDP_Arg2.', 2); // single value
    } catch (exc) {
  • Returns all or selected data point types from the current project.


    • pattern: string = ''

      Pattern for the returned DPTs. When an empty pattern is given (=default), then returns all DP types.
      Wildcards are used to filter data point type name. The charcters * and ? are used for the purpose, where the asterisk (*) replaces any number of characters and the question mark ? stands for just one character.
      Wildcards can be used in arrays (square brackets , e.g.: [0,3,5-7] - numbers 0,3,5,6,7) or outside arrays in option lists (in curly brackets {}).
      Example of wildcards in lists of options:

    • systemId: number = -1

      The desired system if querying from other systems. Optional parameter. If this parameter is not defined, the own system is queried.

    • includeEmpty: boolean = true

      When this is set to false, data point types without existing data points will be ignored.

    Returns string[]

    String array with all DP type names.

    WinccoaError when invalid argument type or non-existing systemId is given.

    try {
    const foundDpTypes = winccoa.dpTypes('ExampleDP*', 1, true);
    for (let i = 0; i < foundDpTypes.length; i++) {"DP type: " +;
    } catch (exc) {
  • This function waits for a set of data points to change their values until all specified conditions are met (that is, all values of the data points listed in dpNamesWait are equal to the values given in conditions). Once conditions are fulfilled, it returns the values of another set of data points (given in dpNamesReturn). If the conditions are not met within the specified timeoutMs period, the promise is rejected.


    The values in conditions are compared directly in TypeScript, not by WinCC OA. Therefore the comparision is not as strict as it would be when using the CTRL function dpWaitForValue(), which also checks the type of the values. For example, in CTRL an integer value will not match a float value, also if both have the same numeric value, while in JavaScript the comparision will only based on the numeric value.


    • dpNamesWait: string[]

      Names of the data points to wait for a value change.

    • conditions: unknown[]

      Expected values for the data points in dpNamesWait to wait for. Must have the same size as dpNamesWait.

    • dpNamesReturn: string[]

      Names of the data points whose values will be returned in the Promise.

    • timeoutMs: number = 0

      Optional timeout for waiting on conditions.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    Promise containing the values for dpNamesReturn .

    WinccoaError when timeout expired, DPE names do not exist, values cannot be converted, array sizes mismatch etc.

    const argNames = ['ExampleDP_Arg1.', 'ExampleDP_Arg2.'];
    const resultName = ['ExampleDP_Result.'];

    setTimeout(() => winccoa.dpSet(argNames, [6, 4]), 100);

    await winccoa.dpWaitForValue(resultName, [10], argNames.concat(resultName)),
  • Checks if a given name contains invalid characters for a specific use (e. g. as data point or project name) and also provides a version of that name with invalid characters removed.


    • name: string

      The name to check

    • nameType: WinccoaNameCheckType

      The type of check to perform, there is a different set of invalid characters for each type.

    Returns Promise<{
    Ā Ā Ā Ā name: string;
    Ā Ā Ā Ā valid: boolean;

    Promise for an object containing a valid flag and a version of name without invalid characters.

    WinccoaError in case of an invalid arguments.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaNameCheckType } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();


    // checking if a name is valid
    if (
    !(await winccoa.nameCheck(nameToCheck, WinccoaNameCheckType.Project)).valid
    console.error(`Invalid project name: ${nameToCheck}`);

    // automatically correct name if necessary
    const name = (await winccoa.nameCheck(nameToCheck, WinccoaNameCheckType.Dp)).name;

Data Point Type

  • Returns all references to other DPTs in a DPT.


    • dpt: string

      Name of the data point type to be checked for references (for example, "PUMP1")

    Returns {
    Ā Ā Ā Ā dpePaths: string[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā refNames: string[];

    Object containing two array with references and their corresponding data point element path.

    • dpePaths: string[]

      Data point element paths corresponding to the references in refNames.

    • refNames: string[]

      Reference names.

    WinccoaError in case of:

    • an invalid argument type or
    • dpt does not exist
  • Returns all DPTs and DPs that contain the specified DPT as a reference.


    • reference: string

      Name of the DPT reference to check data point types and data points for (for example, "_MyReference" or "_ValueArchive").

    Returns {
    Ā Ā Ā Ā dpePaths: string[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā dptNames: string[];

    Object containing two arrays with DPT names and the corresponding data point element path.

    • dpePaths: string[]

      Data point element names corresponding to the the DPTs in dptNames.

    • dptNames: string[]

      DPT names.

    WinccoaError in case of:

    • an invalid argument type

    reference is only a filter and its content causes never an error.

  • Change an existing data point type tree. The must be an existing Data point type name. The complete type structure under startNode will be replaced. Use WinccoaDpTypeNode.newName to rename an existing name.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    import { WinccoaDpTypeNode,  WinccoaElementType, WinccoaManager } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function test1() {
    const tree =
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('MyType1', WinccoaElementType.Struct, '', [
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('text', WinccoaElementType.String, '', [], 'string'),
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('typeRef', WinccoaElementType.Typeref, 'ExampleDP_Int'),
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('struct', WinccoaElementType.Struct, '', [
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('id2', WinccoaElementType.Float)
    console.log(await winccoa.dpTypeChange(tree));
  • Creates a new data point type tree.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    import { WinccoaDpTypeNode,  WinccoaElementType, WinccoaManager } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function test1() {
    const tree =
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('MyType1', WinccoaElementType.Struct, '', [
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('id', WinccoaElementType.Int),
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('text', WinccoaElementType.String),
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('typeRef', WinccoaElementType.Typeref, 'ExampleDP_Float'),
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('struct', WinccoaElementType.Struct, '', [
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('id2', WinccoaElementType.Int),
    new WinccoaDpTypeNode('text2', WinccoaElementType.String)
    console.log(await winccoa.dpTypeCreate(tree));
  • Deletes an existing data point type.


    • dpt: string

      Name of the data point type to delete.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • invalid argument type is given
    • dpt does not exist
    console.log(await winccoa.dpTypeDelete('MyType1'));
  • Returns the structure of a data point type.


    • dpt: string

      Data point type.

    • includeSubTypes: boolean = false

      true: subtypes will be passed

    Returns WinccoaDpTypeNode

    Data point type structure as a tree of WinccoaDpTypeNode

    WinccoaError in case of:

    • an invalid argument type or
    • dpt does not exist
    import { WinccoaDpTypeNode,  WinccoaElementType, WinccoaManager } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

  • Returns the data point type for the data point name.


    • dp: string

      Name of the data point (for example, "ExampleDP_Trend1")

    Returns string

    Data Point Type name

    WinccoaError in case of:

    • an invalid argument type or
    • dp does not exist
  • Returns the type reference of the selected DPE.


    • dpe: string

      Name of the data point element (for example, "_mp_PUMP1.state.mode")

    Returns string

    Empty string or type reference as string.

    WinccoaError in case of:

    • an invalid argument type or
    • dpe does not exist
    console.log(winccoa.dpTypeRefName('_mp_PUMP1.state.mode')); // output MODE_STATE


  • Checks whether id is a vaild CNS ID.


    • id: string

      ID to check

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if id is a valid ID or to false if not.

    const isValid = await winccoa.cns_checkId('someId');
  • Checks whether name is a valid display name for CNS.


    Returns Promise<number>

    Promise - will be resolved to:

    • 0 - valid name
    • -1 - incomplete langString
    • -2 - contains invalid characters
    import { WinccoaLangString, WinccoaManager } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function test(name: WinccoaLangString) {
    switch (await winccoa.cns_checkName(name)) {
    case 0:'valid CNS display name');
    case -1:
    console.error('incomplete langString');
    case -2:
    console.error('contains invalid characters');
  • Checks whether separator is a vaild CNS separator.


    • separator: string

      Separator to check

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if separator is a valid separator or to false if not.

    const isValid = await winccoa.cns_checkSeparator('.');
  • Returns the path of the icon defined for given id.


    • id: string

      CNS ID.

    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise - will be resolved to the path of the icon or empty string if no icon is defined for id.

    const iconPath = await winccoa.cns_getNodeIcon('System1.View1:Node1.Rpt2');
  • Returns the display name of the given CNS node type.


    • typeName: string

      Name of the CNS node type.

    Returns Promise<WinccoaLangString>

    Promise - will be resolved to the display name of the node type in the current multi-language string format or empty string if node type does not exist.

    const displayName = await winccoa.cns_getNodeTypeDisplayName('struct');
  • Gets all CNS node type details.

    Returns Promise<{
    Ā Ā Ā Ā icons: string[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā typeIds: string[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā typeNames: string[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā values: number[];

    Promise for an object containing arrays with details for all defined CNS node types. All arrays have the same size.

    const { typeIds, typeNames, values, icons } = await winccoa.cns_getNodeTypes();
    for (let i = 0; i < typeIds.length; ++i)[i], typeNames[i], values[i], icons[i]);
  • Returns the numerical value for the given CNS node type.


    • typeName: string

      Name of the CNS node type.

    Returns Promise<number>

    Promise - will be resolved to the numerical value for the node type or -1 if type does not exist.

    const typeNum = await winccoa.cns_getNodeTypeValue('struct');
  • Returns a list with all views (for which the current permission is sufficient) of the given system.


    • systemName: string

      System name

    Returns Promise<string[]>

    Promise - will be resolved to an array containing the names of all readable views.

    const views = await winccoa.cns_getReadableViews('System1');
  • Returns the permission bits for the given view.


    • viewName: string

      View name.

    Returns Promise<number>

    Promise - will be resolved to a number containing the permission bits.

    const views = await winccoa.cns_getViewPermission('System1.View1:');
  • Checks whether the given CNS ID path is a node.


    • path: string

      CNS ID path.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if path is a node.

    const isNode = await winccoa.cns_isNode('System1.View1::Node1');
  • Checks whether the given CNS ID path is a tree.


    • path: string

      CNS ID path.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if path is a tree.

    const isTree = await winccoa.cns_isTree('System1.View1:Node1');
  • Checks whether the given CNS ID path is a view.


    • path: string

      CNS ID path.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if path is a view.

    const isView = await winccoa.cns_isView('System1.View1:');
  • Checks whether the node with the given CNS ID path exists.


    • path: string

      CNS ID path.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if node with path exists.

    const exists = await winccoa.cns_nodeExists('System1.View1::Node1');
  • Checks whether the tree with the given CNS ID path exists.


    • path: string

      CNS ID path.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if tree with path exists.

    const exists = await winccoa.cns_treeExists('System1.View1::Node1');
  • Returns the name of the CNS view linked to given dpName, if any.


    • dpName: string

      Data point name.

    Returns Promise<string>

    Name of the view linked to dpName or empty string if not found.

    const viewName = winccoa.cns_viewDpToName('System1:_CNS_View_00002');
  • Checks whether the view with the given CNS ID path exists.


    • path: string

      CNS ID path.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if view with path exists.

    const exists = await winccoa.cns_viewExists('System1.View1::Node1');
  • Returns the name of the data point linked to given CNS viewName.


    • viewName: string

      CNS view name.

    • createNonExistingViewDp: boolean = true

      If true (default), a linked data point is created if it does not already exist. If false, an empty string is returned if no linked data point exists.

    Returns Promise<string>

    Name of the data point linked to dpName or empty string if not found.

    const viewName = winccoa.cns_viewNameToDpName('System1.View1:');
  • Adds a new node to a tree or sub-tree.


    • cnsParentPath: string

      The ID path of the parent node of the new node.

      Note: You must specify a node and not a view.

    • name: string

      ID of the new node

    • displayName: unknown

      Display name of the new node as multi-language string

    • dp: string = ''

      The optional data point (element) which is linked to the node. If no data point shall be linked an empty string can be defined (= default).

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • Wrong or missing parameters
    • The defined node cnsParentPath could not be found
    • Illegal characters in name
    try {
    await winccoa.cnsAddNode('System1.View1:Node1', 'A', 'A', 'System1:ExampleDP_Trend1.');
    } catch(exc) {
  • Registers a callback for notification of CNS changes.


    Returns number

    ID of the callback.

    import {
    } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    function cnsCB(
    path: string,
    changeType: WinccoaCnsChangeType,
    action: WinccoaCnsAction,
    ) {
    console.log(path, changeType, action);

    const cbId = winccoa.cnsAddObserver(cnsCb);
  • Create a tree or sub-tree.


    • cnsParentPath: string

      The path of the parent element (view, tree or node)

    • tree: WinccoaCnsTreeNode

      Details of the tree to create

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    try {
    let tree = new WinccoaCnsTreeNode('MyTree', 'MyTree', '', [
    new WinccoaCnsTreeNode('B', 'B', '', [
    new WinccoaCnsTreeNode('dp', 'ExampleDP_Rpt1', 'System1:ExampleDP_Rpt1.')
    new WinccoaCnsTreeNode('C', {'de_AT.utf8': 'deC', 'en_US.utf8': 'enC'})

    await winccoa.cnsAddTree('System1.View1', tree);
    } catch(exc) {
  • Replaces a tree or sub-tree with a new tree.


    • cnsPath: string

      The ID path of the tree (or node) that shall be replaced.

    • tree: WinccoaCnsTreeNode

      Details of the tree to create

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    try {
    let tree = new WinccoaCnsTreeNode('MyTree2', 'MyTree2', '', [
    new WinccoaCnsTreeNode('B', 'B', '', [
    new WinccoaCnsTreeNode('dp', 'ExampleDP_Rpt1', 'System1:ExampleDP_Rpt1.')
    new WinccoaCnsTreeNode('C', {'de_AT.utf8': 'deC', 'en_US.utf8': 'enC'})

    await winccoa.cnsChangeTree('System1.View1:MyTree', tree);
    } catch(exc) {
  • Creates a new view with the given display name.


    • view: string

      The ID path of the new view

    • displayName: unknown

      The display name of the new view as multi-language string

    • separator: unknown = '.'

      The optional separator for the new view as multi-language string

      Note: The following characters are not allowed for separators: ' (single quotation mark), " (quotation marks), * (asterisk), ? (question mark). Moreover, numbers and letters which are already used in the view or node name must not be used.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • invalid argument type is given
    • invalid view, or separator is given
    • view with the given view already exists
    try {
    await winccoa.cnsCreateView('System1.View123:', 'View123', '/');
    } catch(exc) {
  • Delete a tree, sub-tree or node.


    • cnsPath: string

      The ID path of the element that shall be deleted.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • Wrong or missing parameters
    • The defined tree cnsPath could not be found
    try {
    await winccoa.cnsDeleteTree('System1.View1:MyTree');
    } catch(exc) {
  • Delete a view with all its trees.


    • view: string

      ID path of the view

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • invalid argument type is given
    • invalid view
    try {
    await winccoa.cnsDeleteView('System1.View123:');
    } catch(exc) {
  • Returns the AccessRight for the given node. Note: the CNS property must be an uint.


    • cnsPath: string

      ID path of the node

    • propertyKey: string

      The cns property key which is used for getting the AccessRight

    Returns WinccoaCnsAccessRight

    accessRight of type WinccoaCnsAccessRight

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (cnsPath does not exist).

    console.log(winccoa.cnsGetAccessRight('System1.View1:Node1', 'OA:OPC'));
  • Returns the paths of all children nodes for the given cnsPath.


    • cnsPath: string

      ID path of the node.

    Returns string[]

    Array of paths for all children nodes for cnsPath.

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (cnsPath or child for the given cnsPath does not exist).

    const children = winccoa.cnsGetChildren('System1.View1:Node1');
  • Returns the data point element name (and optionally type) linked with given cnsPath.


    • cnsPath: string

      CNS path of the data point element.

    • OptionaltypeOutput: {
      Ā Ā Ā Ā type: number;

      If given, the property type will be set to the (customizable) ID of the CNS node.

      • type: number

    Returns string

    Data point element name or empty string.

    WinccoaError when cnsPath does not exist.

    const details = { type: 0 };
    const dpeName = winccoa.cnsGetId('System1.vvv:n1.nn1', details);
    console.log(`DPE name: ${dpeName}, type: ${details.type}`);
  • Returns a list of data point element names linked to nodes matching given pattern and additional criteria.


    • pattern: string

      Search pattern for the paths, can use wildcards **, * and ?. See cnsGetIdSet() for details.

    • viewPath: string = ''

      Path to the view to be searched (optional, default: search all views).

    • searchMode: WinccoaCnsSearchMode = ...

      Search mode (optional, default: search all names, case insensitive).

    • langIdx: number = WinccoaCnsConstants.AllLanguages

      Index of the language to search when searchMode includes display names (optional, default: search all languages).

    • type: number = WinccoaCnsNodeType.All

      Type of the nodes to search (optional, default: search all types).

    Returns string[]

    Array of data point element names linked to the matching nodes.

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaCnsSearchMode } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    // using default parameters
    let dpeNames = winccoa.cnsGetIdSet('**1');

    // using explicit parameters
    dpeNames = winccoa.cnsGetIdSet(
    WinccoaCnsSearchMode.DisplayName | WinccoaCnsSearchMode.CaseInsensitive,
    0, // first project language
    55, // custom node type
  • Returns all CNS paths for nodes that are linked to a given data point (element).


    • dpName: string

      Name of the data point (element).

    • type: number = WinccoaCnsNodeType.All

      Type of the nodes to search (optional, default: search all types).

    • viewPath: string = ''

      Path to the view to be searched (optional, default: search all views).

    Returns string[]

    Array of matching CNS paths.

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters.

    // default parameters
    let result = winccoa.cnsGetNodesByData('ExampleDP_Rpt1.');

    // custom type, single view
    result = winccoa.cnsGetNodesByData('ExampleDP_Rpt1.', 55, 'System1.View1:');
  • Returns a CNS paths matching given pattern and additional criteria.


    • pattern: string

      Search pattern for the paths, can use wildcards **, * and ?. See cnsGetNodesByName() for details.

    • viewPath: string = ''

      Path to the view to be searched (optional, default: search all views).

    • searchMode: WinccoaCnsSearchMode = ...

      Search mode (optional, default: search all names, case insensitive).

    • langIdx: number = WinccoaCnsConstants.AllLanguages

      Index of the language to search when searchMode includes display names (optional, default: search all languages).

    • type: number = WinccoaCnsNodeType.All

      Type of the nodes to search (optional, default: search all types).

    Returns string[]

    Array of matching CNS paths.

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaCnsSearchMode } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    // using default parameters
    let paths = winccoa.cnsGetNodesByName('**1');

    // using explicit parameters
    paths = winccoa.cnsGetNodesByName(
    WinccoaCnsSearchMode.DisplayName | WinccoaCnsSearchMode.CaseInsensitive,
    0, // first project language
    55, // custom node type
  • Returns the path of the parent node for the given cnsPath.


    • cnsPath: string

      ID path of the node

    Returns string

    The ID path of the parent node for the given cnsPath.

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (cnsPath or parent for the given cnsPath does not exist).

    const parent = winccoa.cnsGetParent('System1.View1:Node1.Node1');
  • Returns the value of the property with given key from node with given cnsPath.


    • cnsPath: string

      CNS path of the node for which the property value should be returned.

    • key: string

      Key of the property

    Returns unknown

    Value of the property

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (cnsPath or key does not exist).

    const key = 'stringProperty';
    const value = winccoa.cnsGetProperty('System1.View1:Node1.Rpt1', key);
    console.log(`value of property '${key}' is '${value}'`);
  • Returns a list of the property keys existing for node with given cnsPath.


    • cnsPath: string

      CNS path of the node for which the property keys should be returned.

    Returns string[]

    List of property keys (possibly empty).

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (cnsPath does not exist).

  • Returns the ID path of the root node of the tree which contains the given node.


    • cnsNodePath: string

      The ID path of the node

    Returns string

    ID path of the root node

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (cnsNodePath does not exist).

  • Returns the ID paths of all trees of the given view.


    • view: string

      Name of the view

    Returns string[]

    The ID paths of all trees of the given view

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (view does not exist).

  • Returns the user data stored in a node.


    • cnsPath: string

      ID path of the node

    Returns Buffer

    the user data stored in the node

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (cnsPath does not exist).

  • Returns the paths of all views for the given systemName.


    • systemName: string

      System name.

    Returns string[]

    Array of paths for all found views for systemName.

    WinccoaError for invalid parameters (systemName does not exist).

    const result = winccoa.cnsGetViews('System1');
  • Unregisters a callback for notification of CNS changes.


    • id: number

      ID of the callback to unregister as returned by cnsAddObserver.

    Returns number

    Callback ID.

    WinccoaError when id is not registered.

    const id = winccoa.cnsAddObserver(cnsCb);

    try {
    } catch (exc) {
  • Sets or add the property for the given node as key/value pair. The following keys are already used by WinCC OA internally:

    • OA:ICON Name of the icon (including the path relative to the pictures folder) that shall be set for the node.
    • OA:OPC Appropriate bit pattern to define the AccessLevel. E.g. 3 to set the bits for read & write.
    • OA:MOD Number of used registers (see Modbus/TCP server details or Plantmodel Editor - Modbus)
    • OA:DMOD Number of dyn elements (see Modbus/TCP server details or Plantmodel Editor - Modbus)

    Note: A maximum of 256 byte (sum of length of key, value and internal control characters) can be stored per node.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • Wrong or missing parameters
    • The defined node cnsPath could not be found
    • The key/value pair exceeds the maximum length for node properties (256 bytes). Therefore, the pair cannot be added.
    try {
    await winccoa.cnsSetProperty('System1.View1:Node1', 'OA:OPC', 5,;
    } catch(exc) {
  • Stores user data in a node.


    • cnsPath: string

      ID path of the node

    • userData: Buffer

      User data which shall be stored in the node. The blob is truncated to 255 bytes if it is too long.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    Promise - will be resolved to true if successful or rejected with WinccoaError in case of:

    • invalid argument type is given
    • invalid cnsPath
    try {
    // v- Sample data in hex: 00 01 02 03 41 42 43 44 61 62 63 64 FC FB FE FF
    const userData = Buffer.alloc(16, 'AAECA0FCQ0RhYmNk/Pv+/w==', 'base64');

    await winccoa.cnsSetUserData('System1.View1:Node1', userData);
    } catch(exc) {
  • Returns a sub-string of cnsPath.


    • cnsPath: string

      ID path.

    • flags: WinccoaCnsSubStrFlags

      Flag(s) that determine which part(s) of cnsPath should be included in the sub-string. Can be combined with a binary OR (|).

    • resolvePath: boolean = true

      If true, cnsPath is resolved and existing elements will be used to determine the system name and separate the path from the tail. If false or no elements of cnsPath can be found, the specified parts will be extracted by parsing the path string. Disabling path resolution is mainly useful when you already know whether the path exists, so that you can avoid the overhead of accessing CNS.

    Returns string

    Sub-string of cnsPath.

    const path = 'System1.View1:Node1.Rpt99';
    console.log(winccoa.cnsSubStr(path, WinccoaCnsSubStrFlags.View));
    WinccoaCnsSubStrFlags.System | WinccoaCnsSubStrFlags.View,


  • The function does the query only of the last alert attributes of a data point.


    Returns Promise<unknown>

    Promise that resolves to the requested value(s) of the DPE(s). The received values must be cast to their expected types before they can be used.


    The function can accept a list of data points for a single alert time. In this case, the data point should be the same, but the alert configs are different:

    winccoa.alertGet(alertTime, [dpe + ':_alert_hdl.._value', dpe + ':_alert_hdl.._text']);.

    The function can accept a list of alert times and a list of data points. In this case all lists must have the same length:

    winccoa.alertGet([alertTime1, alertTime2], ['dpe1', 'dpe2']);

    WinccoaError when DPE does not exist or current user has no read access to it.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaAlertTime } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function alertGetTest() {
    const dpe = 'ExampleDP_AlertHdl1.';
    try {
    await winccoa.dpSet(dpe, true); // trigger alert on the dpe
    const result = await winccoa.dpQuery(
    "SELECT ALERT '_alert_hdl.._value' FROM '" +
    dpe +

    for (let i = 1; i < result.length; i++) {
    const alertTime = result[i][1];
    const values = (await winccoa.alertGet(alertTime,
    [dpe + ':_alert_hdl.._value', dpe + ':_alert_hdl.._text'])) as [boolean, WinccoaLangString];, values);
    } catch (exc) {
    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaAlertTime } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function alertGetTest() {
    const dpes = ['ExampleDP_AlertHdl1.', 'ExampleDP_AlertHdl2.'];
    try {
    await winccoa.dpSet(dpes, [true, true]); // trigger alert on the dpes
    let alertTimes: WinccoaAlertTime[] = [];
    for (let d = 0; d < dpes.length; d++)
    const result = await winccoa.dpQuery(
    "SELECT ALERT '_alert_hdl.._value' FROM '" +
    dpes[d] +

    if (result.length > 1)

    if (dpes.length == alertTimes.length)
    const values = await winccoa.alertGet(alertTimes, [dpes[0] + ':_alert_hdl.._value', dpes[1] + ':_alert_hdl.._value']);, values);
    } catch (exc) {
  • The function returns the values of the specified alert attributes of the data point elements for which alerts were triggered.


    • startTime: WinccoaTime

      The start time for reading alerts.

    • endTime: WinccoaTime

      The end time for reading alerts.

    • names: string | string[]

      Alert handling attribute names.

    Returns Promise<{
    Ā Ā Ā Ā alertTimes: WinccoaAlertTime[];
    Ā Ā Ā Ā values: unknown[];

    Promise that resolves to an object containing two arrays, one containing WinccoaAlertTimes with the alert details and the other the corresponding values.

    WinccoaError when alert attribute name does not exist or in case of an invalid argument type.

    const startTime = new Date('2024-10-25T12:00:00.789Z');
    const currentTime = new Date();
    const dpes = [':_alert_hdl.._value', ':_alert_hdl.._text']

    const { alertTimes, values } = await winccoa.alertGetPeriod(

    for (let i = 0; i < alertTimes.length; i++) {
    const alertTime: WinccoaAlertTime = alertTimes[i];
    '#' + i,
    'alertTime: ' + alertTime.time,
    );'#' + i, 'value: ' + values[i]);
  • Allows to set data point alert attributes.


    • alerts: WinccoaAlertTime | WinccoaAlertTime[]

      Alert(s) of type WinccoaAlertTime to be set.

    • values: unknown

      Attribute value(s) to be set. Must have the same size as alerts. If alerts is a single string and not an array, this parameter must also be a single value and not an array.

    Returns boolean

    Boolean true in case of a success, otherwise WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    The attributes and their constants which can be set with this method are described in the chapter _alert_hdl

    WinccoaError when DPE does not exist, mismatch number of DPs and values, invalid argument type, etc.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaAlertTime } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function alertSetTest() {
    const dpeWithAlert = 'ExampleDP_AlertHdl1.'; // assuming alert is triggered
    const result = await winccoa.dpQuery(
    "SELECT ALERT '_alert_hdl.._act_state', '_alert_hdl.._value' FROM '" +
    dpeWithAlert +

    const ts = result[result.length - 1][1] as WinccoaAlertTime;
    const alertTime = new WinccoaAlertTime(ts.time, ts.count, ts.dpe + '._comment');
    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = winccoa.alertSet(alertTime, 'Alert comment text from winccoa node manager.');
    } catch (exc) {
    }"AlertSet is called successfully - " + isSuccess);
  • Allows to set data point alert attributes with a given timestamp.


    • time: WinccoaTime

      Source time for the attribute change.

    • alerts: WinccoaAlertTime | WinccoaAlertTime[]

      Alert(s) of type WinccoaAlertTime to be set.

    • values: unknown

      Attribute value to be set. Must have the same size as alerts. If alerts is a single string and not an array, this parameter must also be a single value and not an array.

    Returns boolean

    Boolean true in case of a success, otherwise WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    The attributes and their constants which can be set with this method are described in the chapter _alert_hdl

    WinccoaError when DPE does not exist, mismatch number of DPs and values, invalid argument type, etc.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaAlertTime } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function alertSetTimedTest() {
    const dpeWithAlert = 'ExampleDP_AlertHdl1.'; // assuming alert is triggered
    const result = await winccoa.dpQuery(
    "SELECT ALERT '_alert_hdl.._act_state', '_alert_hdl.._value' FROM '" +
    dpeWithAlert +

    const timeStamp = new Date('2024-03-19T04:05:06.789Z');
    const ts = result[result.length - 1][1] as WinccoaAlertTime;
    const alertTime = new WinccoaAlertTime(ts.time, ts.count, ts.dpe + '._ack_state');
    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = winccoa.alertSetTimed(timeStamp, alertTime, 1);
    } catch (exc) {
    }"AlertSet is called successfully - " + isSuccess);
  • Allows to set data point alert attributes with a given timestamp.


    • time: WinccoaTime

      Source time for the attribute change.

    • alerts: WinccoaAlertTime | WinccoaAlertTime[]

      Alert(s) of type WinccoaAlertTime to be set.

    • values: unknown

      Attribute value to be set. Must have the same size as alerts. If alerts is a single string and not an array, this parameter must also be a single value and not an array.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    Promise that resolves to true if successful. If not successful, a WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    The attributes and their constants which can be set with this method are described in the chapter _alert_hdl

    WinccoaError when DPE does not exist, mismatch number of DPs and values, invalid argument type, etc.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaAlertTime } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function alertSetTimedWaitTest() {
    const dpeWithAlert = 'ExampleDP_AlertHdl1.'; // assuming alert is triggered
    const result = await winccoa.dpQuery(
    `SELECT ALERT '_alert_hdl.._act_state', '_alert_hdl.._value' FROM '${dpeWithAlert}'`,

    const timeStamp = new Date('2024-03-19T04:05:06.789Z');
    const ts = result[result.length - 1][1] as WinccoaAlertTime;
    const alertTime = new WinccoaAlertTime(
    ts.dpe + '._ack_state',

    try {
    await winccoa.alertSetTimedWait(timeStamp, alertTime, 1);`Alert is acknowledged at ${timeStamp}`);
    } catch (exc) {
  • Allows to set data point alert attributes.


    • alerts: WinccoaAlertTime | WinccoaAlertTime[]

      Alert(s) of type WinccoaAlertTime to be set.

    • values: unknown

      Attribute value(s) to be set. Must have the same size as alerts. If alerts is a single string and not an array, this parameter must also be a single value and not an array.

    Returns Promise<unknown>

    Promise that resolves to true if successful. If not successful, a WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    The attributes and their constants which can be set with this method are described in the chapter _alert_hdl

    WinccoaError when DPE does not exist, mismatch number of DPs and values, invalid argument type, etc.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaAlertTime } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    async function alertSetWaitTest() {
    const dpeWithAlert = 'ExampleDP_AlertHdl1.'; // assuming alert is triggered
    const result = await winccoa.dpQuery(
    `SELECT ALERT '_alert_hdl.._act_state', '_alert_hdl.._value' FROM '${dpeWithAlert}'`,

    const ts = result[result.length - 1][1] as WinccoaAlertTime;
    const alertTime = new WinccoaAlertTime(
    ts.dpe + '._comment',

    try {
    await winccoa.alertSetWait(
    'Alert comment text from winccoa node manager.',
    );`Comment for alert of '${dpeWithAlert}' is successfully set`);
    } catch (exc) {


  • Writes a log entry if debug flag is set.


    When setting a debug flag from the command line, the -dbg option must be positioned before the name of the JavaScript file (as any other WinCC OA manager option).


    • flag: string | number

      Name or number of the debug flag that must be set to actually write the log entry.

    • Rest...args: unknown[]

      Debug information to be written to log.

    Returns void

    const note = 'Additional note.';
    winccoa.logDebugF('DebugFlag', 'Debug message', note);
  • Writes a fatal error log entry. This also exits the WinCC OA manager.


    • Rest...args: unknown[]

      Fatal error information to be written to log.

    Returns void

    const note = 'Additional note.';
    winccoa.logFatal('Fatal message', note);
  • Writes an information log entry. console.log() and are mapped to this method.


    • Rest...args: unknown[]

      Information to be written to log.

    Returns void

    const note = 'Additional note.';
    winccoa.logInfo('Info message', note);
  • Writes a severe error log entry. console.error() is mapped to this method.


    • Rest...args: unknown[]

      Severe error information to be written to log.

    Returns void

    const note = 'Additional note.';
    winccoa.logSevere('Severe message', note);
  • Writes a warning log entry. console.warn() is mapped to this method.


    • Rest...args: unknown[]

      Warning information to be written to log.

    Returns void

    const note = 'Additional note.';
    winccoa.logWarning('Warning message', note);
  • Reports a security event, this must be called whenever a security-relevant action is made in JavaScript (like opening a server port).


    Returns void

    WinccoaError when id is not known, required arguments are missing in args.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaSecurityEventId } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    winccoa.securityEvent(WinccoaSecurityEventId.PortOpened, 8443, 'https://');


  • Checks if the event manager to which this manager is connected is currently the active REDU partner.

    Returns boolean

    true if the event manager to which this manager is connected is currently the active REDU partner.

    const isEventReduActive = winccoa.isReduActive();'Event currently is active - ' + isEventReduActive);
  • Checks whether the project has been configured as redundant.

    Returns boolean

    true if project has been configured as redundant.

    const isProjectRedundant = winccoa.isRedundant();'My project is redundant - ' + isProjectRedundant);
  • Returns the host name of the Event Manager this manager is connected to. Use this method only on redundant computers.

    Returns string

    Host name of the Event Manager this manager is connected to.

    const reduHostName = winccoa.myReduHost();'My redu host name - ' + reduHostName);
  • Returns host number in a redundant system depending on the connection to the Event Manager - manager 1 or 2 (for example, eventHost = "host1$host2"). In a non-redundant configuration this always returns 1.

    Returns number

    Host number.

    const reduHostNumber = winccoa.myReduHostNum();'My redu host number - ' + reduHostNumber);


  • Constructor - creates new instance of an API object.


    • Optionaloptions: Partial<Omit<WinccoaOptions, "userId">>

      Options that are used to initialize the instance, see setOptions for details.

    Returns WinccoaManager

    import { WinccoaManager } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();
    import {
    } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager({
    timeFormat: WinccoaTimeFormat.Number,
    langStringFormat: WinccoaLangStringFormat.Object,
    longAsBigInt: true,
  • Exits the WinCC OA manager.


    For details about using an exit listener with WinCC OA, see the note in the documentation for WinccoaSysConEvent.


    • exitCode: number = 0

      Exit code to return to the operating system.

    Returns void

  • Search for file or directory in WinCC OA project and installation paths.


    • fileDirName: string

      the file or directory to search for

    Returns string

    full path of the file or directory or an empty string if not found

    WinccoaError when invalid argument type is given.

    let configPath;
    try {
    configPath = winccoa.findFile('config/config');
    } catch (exc) {
    }"Config file full path: " + configPath);
  • Returns all available options and their values. The options can be set with setOptions.

    Returns WinccoaOptions

    Object containing all current option values.

    let options = winccoa.getOptions();
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {`Name: ${key} - Value: ${value}`);
  • Returns list of project, sub-project and product installation paths.

    Returns readonly string[]

    List of project, sub-project and product installation paths. The project path is always a first entry and the installation path is always the last.

    let paths = winccoa.getPaths();
    for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {;
  • Returns the system ID.


    • OptionalsystemName: string

      The name of the system (optional). If it is not given, then the system ID of its own system will be returned.

    Returns number

    The system ID.

    WinccoaError when invalid system name is given.

    let ownId;
    let system1Id;
    try {
    ownId = winccoa.getSystemId();
    system1Id = winccoa.getSystemId('System1:');
    } catch (exc) {
    }"Own system id = " + ownId);"System1 id = " + system1Id);
  • Returns the system name.


    • OptionalsystemId: number

      System ID (optional). If it is not given, then the system name of its own system will be returned.

    Returns string

    The system name.

    WinccoaError when invalid system ID is given.

    try {
    const ownName = winccoa.getSystemName();
    const id1Name = winccoa.getSystemName(1);
    `Own system name = '${ownName}, system with id 1 name = '${id1Name}'`
    } catch (exc) {
  • Queries the value of a debug flag.


    • flag: string | number

      Number or name of the debug flag to query.

    Returns boolean

    true if debug flag is set, false if not set.'REDU'));
  • Set one or more options. The options and their values can be retrieved with getOptions.


    Returns boolean

    Boolean true on success, otherwise WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    The userId option cannot be set with this method.
    The user can be set with setUserId for the instance of WinccoaManager.
    The user can be set with -user manager option for the node manager, see Administration of managers.

    WinccoaError if option has wrong type or option value is out of range.

    import { WinccoaManager, WinccoaLangStringFormat } from 'winccoa-manager';
    const winccoa = new WinccoaManager();

    function setOptionsTest() {
    try {
    langStringFormat: WinccoaLangStringFormat.StringFixed,
    langIdx: 1,
    } catch (exc) {
  • Sets the current user ID to the specified value for the current instance of WinccoaManager.

    Note that when Server-side Authentication for Managers is activated and the JavaScript manager is not started as root, trying to change the user ID will lead to a fatal error and the JavaScript manager will be terminated immediately.


    • id: number

      User ID to set.

    • Optionalpassword: string

      Password to use to set user (not needed if manager started as root).

    Returns boolean

    Boolean true in case of a success, otherwise WinccoaError wil be thrown instead.

    WinccoaError when id is not found or invalid.

    let isSuccess = false;
    try {
    isSuccess = winccoa.setUserId(2048); // operatorAll user id
    } catch (exc) {
    }'User id is set to operatorAll user id successfully - ' + isSuccess);