Enumeration WinccoaElementType

Enumerates the type of a data point element, as returned by WinccoaManager.dpElementType.

Enumeration Members

Bit32: 24

bit pattern

Bit32Struct: 16

bit pattern structure

Bit64: 50

bit pattern

Bit64Struct: 52

bit pattern structure

Blob: 46

blob (binary large object)

BlobStruct: 47

blob structure

Bool: 23


BoolStruct: 15

bit structure

Char: 19


CharStruct: 11

character structure

Dpid: 27


DpidStruct: 39

label structure

DynBit32: 8

dynamic array for bit pattern

DynBit32Struct: 35

dynamic bit-pattern array structure

DynBit64: 51

dynamic array for bit pattern

DynBit64Struct: 53

dynamic bit-pattern array structure

DynBlob: 48

dynamic blob

DynBlobStruct: 49

dynamic blob structure

DynBool: 7

dynamic bit array

DynBoolStruct: 34

dynamic bit array structure

DynChar: 3

dynamic character array

DynCharStruct: 30

dynamic character array structure

DynDpid: 29

dynamic DP-Identifier array

DynDpidStruct: 38

dynamic DP-Identifier array structure

DynFloat: 6

dynamic number array for floating decimal point

DynFloatStruct: 33

dynamic number structure for floating decimal point

DynInt: 5

dynamic integer array

DynIntStruct: 32

dynamic integer structure

DynLangString: 44

multilingual dynamic text array

DynLangStringStruct: 45

multilingual dynamic text structure

DynLong: 55

dynamic array of Integer values (64 bit)

DynLongStruct: 57

dynamic number structure for integer value (64 bit)

DynString: 9

dynamic text array

DynStringStruct: 36

dynamic text-array structure

DynTime: 10

dynamic time array

DynTimeStruct: 37

dynamic time array structure

DynUInt: 4

dynamic array of positive whole numbers

DynUIntStruct: 31

dynamic array of positive integers

DynULong: 59

dynamic array of Positive integer values (64 bit)

DynULongStruct: 61

dynamic number structure for positive integer value (64 bit)

Float: 22

floating point system

FloatStruct: 14

number structure for floating decimal point

Int: 21


IntStruct: 13

integer structure

LangString: 42


LangStringStruct: 43

description structure

Long: 54

Integer value (64 bit)

LongStruct: 56

structure for integer value (64 bit)

String: 25


StringStruct: 17

text structure

Struct: 1


Time: 26


TimeStruct: 18

time structure

Typeref: 41

data point type reference

UInt: 20

unsigned integer

UIntStruct: 12

structure of unsigned integers

ULong: 58

Positive integer value (64 bit)

ULongStruct: 60

structure for positive integer value (64 bit)