Do older WinCC OA versions still work with WibuKey 6.70?

WinCC OA is using the 3rd party software WibuKey for licensing topics in WinCC OA versions up to 3.16. Since WinCC OA 3.17 Wibu-Systems CodeMeter is used.
Due to security vulnerabilities it is recommended to do an update of WibuKey to version 6.70.

We have verified that the new WibuKey version 6.70 is compatible with WinCC OA 3.16.
After an update of WibuKey the hardware code of a dongle stays the same and WinCC OA works with this version of WibuKey.

If you do not use WibuKey dongles for licensing of WinCC OA an additional option is to deinstall WibuKey on your system.

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