How to open alarm and event screen (AEScreen) with a specific configuration?

To open the AES in a specific configuration where no other interactions from the operator must be necessary you can use the following example.
In this example the AES will be opened with the (predefined) configuration “myAEScreen”.

1) Create your own screen configuration (System management -> settings -> A&E - Row/Screen)
e.g. myAEScreen with new alarm screen property myAlarms and event screen property myEvents

2) Start the alarm screen with the following command. The list of parameters is described in the WinCC OA Documentation.
In the example the parameters are

Configuration = myAEScreen
Module name = WinCC_OA-AES

//open AEScreen with configuration "myAEScreen" in Module "WinCC_OA-AES", and run the queries of both tables

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3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13
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Alarming, PVSS, WinCC Open Architecture