How to solve a CodeMeter issue on Windows after installing CodeMeter 8.10?

The following FAQ describes the procedure how to fix the CodeMeter installation when an installation of CodeMeter 8.10 is done on a machine where CodeMeter 7.60 is already installed.

CodeMeter 8.10 is automatically installed when installing WinCC OA 3.18 P026 (or newer) or 3.19 P012 (or newer).
WinCC OA 3.17 patches are not affected as CodeMeter 8.10 is not integrated in this version.

During the installation process of CodeMeter 8.10 existing CodeMeter 32bit libraries are deleted.
This can lead to the following problems:

  1. WinCC OA 32bit components which are referring to the CodeMeter 32 bit libraries will not run.
    It only affects the WinCC OA COM Manager and the WinCC OA OLE DB Provider.
  2. An installation of an older WinCC OA version or WinCC OA patch which uses CodeMeter 7.60 will fail.
    In this case the following error is reported:
    Setup Failed
    Error: 1904 - Module C:\Siemens\Automation\WinCC_OA\3.18\bin\windows\WCCOAcom.dll failed to register.
    HRESULT -2147024770. Contact your support personnel.


To solve the cause for the problems the following steps must be executed. The given procedure forces an installation of missing CodeMeter 32bit libraries:

  1. Open the Windows screen "Apps & Features"
  2. Search for "CodeMeter Runtime Kit v8.10"
  3. Click on "Modify" --> "Repair"
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Installation / Configuration