In which cycle does the data synchronisation of the Disaster Recovery Center take place, and which data is actually synchronised?

All modifications of data-point parameters and all project data, such as panels, scripts, data-point lists and project-specific files are synchronised in a freely definable cycle (default value for panels/scripts: 30min, data points: 20min).
All online data (complete process image) such as occurred alarms, or process value alterations are immediately synchronised at the moment of change and will thus reflect events in the system.
During operation, historic data from both systems are actively written in the Oracle data base, which means that both systems are continuously updated.
The matching of historic data (RDB) after the fault event is manually initiated (when the necessary network bandwidth is available again). For this, the user has access to a special control panel, in which the alterations to be synchronised are displayed.

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Redundancy, Special Functions / Features