Is it possible to get the information when a config was changed?

When using 3.11 you can get the information which process/user has made changes at the configuration. In previous versions only the timestamp can be exported.
For all configs except the _alert_class- and _alert_hdl-config only the last configuration is saved.
The changes for the _alert_class- and _alert_hdl-config are saved in the configuration history.

With an ASCII-export using the option “P” (configuration of configs) and "H" (configuration history) you can get this information, there are no other possibilites to read it.

At the beginning of every line you have the information, written in three fields separated by a tab, the field names are displayed at the header followed by the attributes for every config:
Manager/User StampSec StampMSec

The fields contain the following information:
ManagerUser: manager-type (manager-number)/user-ID
UI (1)/0

StampSec: seconds since 1970.01.01 00:00:00

StampMSec: milliseconds

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