Is the Software <Software name> supported by WinCC OA/ETM/Siemens?

Please have a look at our Software requirements page in our online documentation.

If the software you are requiring is not mentioned there, it is unfortunately not officially supported.

Please consider:
WinCC OA runs over 70.000 automated tests every night to ensure and maintain its high level of quality.
If you think of the large number of supported operating systems and already supported software, adding another one would increase the test efforts exponentially.

So what does that mean for you?

  • In any case, please inform us about your requirement. If a considerable numer of requests is recieved, chances are higher, that it will be put on the roadmap and we will be able to provide official support with an upcoming version of WinCC OA.
  • You may run WinCC OA along your required software anyway. As WinCC OA usually has low dependencies, chances are high that it will work just perfectly fine.
    Several customers already applied this procedure and run their respective software without any issues along WinCC OA.
  • You may ask for official support and would be willing to pay for it, this means you will get an offer. Then you may aim for a specific, supported version of WinCC OA.
    Your overall licensing volume of the specific project might be taken into account when providing the offer.
  • If you run it and encounter a bug, this bug needs to be reproducable on an supported environement/software combination.
    If it is not reproducable there and you require a bug fix, you would be asked to cover the costs of the fix for your specific environement/software.
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