PVSS00ctrl - PARAM/SEVERE - TimedFunc, Illegal parameterization, can't work!
Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup of a CTRL-manager when using timed-functions. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.
PVSS00ctrl (1), 2012.09.11 04:28:37.420, PARAM,SEVERE, 51, Parameter incorrect, TimedFunc, engine_control.ctl::lifeCycle() Dp:_EngineCheck handleAnswer, Illegal parameterization, can't work!
Log-message with symbolic names:
PVSS00ctrl (<manager-number>), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM,SEVERE, 51, Parameter incorrect, TimedFunc, <CTRL-script>::<work-function>() Dp:<datapoint> handleAnswer, Illegal parameterization, can't work!
This log-message describes that the timed-function defined at the script <CTRL-script> could not be started due to an incorrect configuration. For a timed-function the CTRL-function timedFunc() is used.
The work-function displayed at the log-message will not be executed therefore.
The configuration for the timed-function is made at the given datapoint <datapoint> and its elements.
Please check the settings at the datapoint and restart the CTRL-manager afterwards.
To get detailed information for the configuration please have a look at the online-help for the CTRL-function timedFunc().