WCCILdata - IMPL/WARNING - DataManager, mainLoop, Last alert fileswitch not completed - restarting timer

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup of the project. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

WCCILdata (0), 2021.01.12 18:44:59.466, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, DataManager, mainLoop, Last alert fileswitch not completed - restarting timer

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCILdata (0), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, DataManager, mainLoop, Last alert fileswitch not completed - restarting timer

This log-message describes that last alert fileswitch at the RAIMA-database was not finished before the project was stopped.
If the project is stopped while the “round off”-timer is running the timer is restarted after the startup and the log-message is written.
When a fileswitch is made at the RAIMA-alert-database the previous fileset and the new fileset remain open for a given time. The name for the new fileset-directory is al+<10-digit-number in seconds sind 1970.01.01 00:00> which is the time when the fileset-change was started. Especially in redundant systems this is necessary to achieve that the filesets get the same number.
The value for the "timer" is defined with the dp-elements _DataManager.AlertDataSetChange.SwitchTime and
_DataManager_2.AlertDataSetChange.SwitchTime, normally the value 0 is set.
In redundant projects the "timer" is set with the config-entry fileSwitchRoundOff.
In the standard config.redu-file the “round off”-time is defined with the config-entry fileSwitchRoundOff with a time of 3600 seconds.
If no value is defined the “round off”-time is 60 seconds.
When a fileswitch is made a timer is started to avoid fileswitches in too short intervals.
Within this timespan a new fileset-change cannot be started.

If the problem occurs at every startup or at the time when the next fileswitch shall be made (configuration is made at System Management --> Database --> Archive, Export Raima) there could be an inconsistency at the alert database.

This inconsistency can be repaired with the following procedure:
-- Stopping the PVSS project
-- Making a copy of the database without the value-archive directories
-- Opening a DOS-box/command shell
-- Step to the directory <PVSS project>/db/pvss or <WinCC OA project>/db/wincc_oa
-- Remove a vista.taf file, when it exists, using the rm command
-- Start the command "wida" (Windows) or “ida” (Linux), this is a tool for the modification of the RAIMA-database

When using Windows you have to proceed the following steps by clicking at the options in the tool “wida”:

+ File --> Open Database --> AlertDir.dbd
+ Record --> Scan by Key --> ALERTDIRKEY --> Scan
+ In the next dialog click at "Last"
+ Scroll to the end of the list
At the penultimate line the value "2" should be saved.
+ Select the penultimate line
+ Click at "Select"
+ Double-click at "Flags"
+ Type the value "0"
+ Click at "OK"
+ Click at "Store"
A dialog with the information that the record was modified will be displayed.
+ Click at "OK"

+ Scroll to the end of the list
At the last line the value "1" should be saved.
+ Select the last line
+ Click at "Select"
+ Double-click at "Flags"
+ Type the value "0"
+ Click at "OK"
+ Click at "Store"
A dialog with the information that the record was modified will be displayed.
+ Click at "OK"
+ File --> Close Database
+ File --> Quit

On Linux systems keyboard commands are used for the operation of the tool “ida”. The following commands have to be executed. At the description you will find the name for the command. The character which has to be used at the keyboard is marked with double quotes. If a sequence needs to be processed it is described with “step 1” – “step 2” – “step 3” …

+ Open “o”
+ One_user “o”
+ Select the entry 5. AlertDir “5” – “Enter” – “Enter”
+ Access “a”
+ Record “r”
+ Keyscan “k”
+ Scan “s”
+ Select the entry ALERTDIRREC.ALERTDIRKEY “1” – “Enter” – “Enter” – “Enter”
Now the list of alert filesets will be displayed. The first entry in every line is the number of the fileset.
+ Go to the end of the list by using Next “n”
+ Select the penultimate fileset “s”
+ Type the number of the penultimate fileset “<number>” – “Enter” – “Enter”
Now the information for the fileset is displayed. For the field FLAGS the value “2” will be displayed.
+ X_exit “x”
+ Modify “m”
+ Edit “e” – “Enter” – “Enter” – “Enter”
+ The field “FLAGS” is now selected.
+ Modify the status (VI style) and set the value “0” – “Enter”
+ Write “w”
At the bottom of the screen the information is displayed that the record was modified.
+ X_exit “x”

+ Keyscan “k”
+ Scan “s”
+ Select the entry ALERTDIRREC.ALERTDIRKEY “1” – “Enter” – “Enter” – “Enter”
Now the list of alert filesets will be displayed. The first entry in every line is the number of the fileset.
+ Go to the end of the list by using Next “n”
+ Select the last fileset “s”
+ Type the number of the last fileset “<number>” – “Enter” – “Enter”
Now the information for the fileset is displayed. For the field FLAGS the value “1” will be displayed.
+ X_exit “x”
+ Modify “m”
+ Edit “e” – “Enter” – “Enter” – “Enter”
The field “FLAGS” is now selected.
+ Modify the status (VI style) and set the value “0” – “Enter”
+ Write “w”
At the bottom of the screen the information is displayed that the record was modified.

+ X_exit “x” until the first selection list is displayed (command Quit at the end of the line)
+ Quit “q”

With these action the state of the alert-filesets was modified, the state "online" was set for these two alert filesets.

-- Start the PVSS-project
-- During startup have a look at the log-messages to detect if there are written some error-messages concerning the alert database

Please check if the automatic filesetswitches are made at the next fileswitch-time.

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