PVSS00data/PVSS00event - SYS/SEVERE - Alive timeout expired, closing connection to "manager-ID"

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during runtime of the project. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00event (0), 2012.05.22 08:48:45.436, SYS, SEVERE, 39, Connection lost, Alive timeout expired, closing connection to (SYS: 1 Ui -num 2 CONN: 1) (P) @ CLIENT1 ( Last message expected at 2012.05.22 08:48:45.430.

Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00event (0), <TIMESTAMP>, SYS, SEVERE, 39, Connection lost, Alive timeout expired, closing connection to (<manager-ID>) (P) @ <hostname> (<IP-address>). Last message expected at <alive-timeout>

The log-message describes that the data-/event-manager has closed the connection to the process (<manager-ID>) started at the computer <hostname> due to the fact that no alive-message was received within the given alive-timeout.
The alive-timeout can be defined with the config entry aliveTimeout (default-value 10 seconds). The given timespan is divided by 10 to get the interval for sending alive-messages.

The timeout can be reached due to a network error or when the process at the other computer <hostname> was stopped.
For additional information please have a look at the PVSS_II.log-file at the other computer.
If the problems occurs several times please check the network and the network bandwith.
With the config-entry alivePriorityClass you can give the alive-thread a higher process-priority.
Maybe the problem can be solved by increasing the aliveTimeout-setting or by using the config-entry alivePriorityClass.

This problem can also occur during a time synchronization. If the time is set back or forth erratic it can happen that the PVSS-/WinCC OA process detects that the timespan to receive an alive-message is exceeded.

Example for aliveTimeout = 10 and setting the time forth:
-- time when the last alive message was received: 2012.06.04 14:51:30
therefore the time to receive at least one alive-message is 2012.06.04 14:51:40
-- time is set to 2012.06.04 14:51:50 by the time synchronization

An aliveTimeout is detected in that case.

Example for aliveTimeout = 10 and setting the time back:
-- time when the last alive message was send : 2012.06.04 14:51:30
therefore the time to send the next alive-message is 2012.06.04 14:51:31
-- time is set to 2012.06.04 14:51:10 by the time synchronization

It will take 21 seconds until the next alive message is send and therefore the server (data/event) will detect an alive timeout.

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