WCCILevent - PARAM/WARNING - Datapoint does not exist, DP: :_original

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup of the project or during runtime. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

WCCILevent (0), 2021.08.06 12:39:46.358, PARAM,WARNING, 7, Datapoint does not exist, DP: :_original, MAN: (SYS: 2 Driver -num 1 CONN: 1)

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCILevent (0), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM,WARNING, 7, Datapoint does not exist, DP: :_original, MAN: (SYS: <system-number> Driver -num <driver-number> CONN: 1)

This log-message will occur during startup of the driver when the structure of the internal datapoint-type _DriverCommon is not correct, e.g. when some elements are missing. This could cause an incorrect functionality of the driver.

To solve this problem please perform the following steps:
1) Start a para-module and select one datapoint for the dp-type _DriverCommon
2) Open the tree to display all elementes for this datapoint
3) Start a text-editor
4) Open the ASCII-file <WinCC OA-installation>/dbdfiles/<current version>/update_dptypes.txt
5) Search for _DriverCommon._DriverCommon

If an entry is found please proceed with step 9).

If you couldn’t find an entry the following steps need to be done.
6) Close the file <WinCC OA-installation>/dbdfiles/<current version>/update_dptypes.txt
7) Open the ASCII-file <WinCC OA-installation>/dbdfiles/<current version>/dptypes.txt
8) Search for _DriverCommon._DriverCommon

9) Compare the displayed content at the tree with the information written at the ASCII-file
10) If a difference was found please mark the lines beginning with _DriverCommon._DriverCommon down to the line previous to definition of the next dp-type, beginning with <dp-typename>.<dptypename>.
11) Copy the marked content
12) Open a new text-file
13) Insert the following line
14) Insert the copied content
15) Save the file at the directory <WinCC OA-project>/dplist/_DriverCommon_DPT.dpl

To apply the changes to your project you have to import the file _DriverCommon_DPT.dpl using the ASCII-manager and the option to modify existing datapoint-types.
Afterwards the project needs to be restarted.

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