PVSS00event - PARAM/WARNING - DP attribute was connected twice

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during startup of the project or during runtime when configuring datapoint-functions. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00event (0), 2012.05.29 11:23:31.512, PARAM,WARNING, 90, DP attribute was connected twice, DP: System1:Pump1.status.value:_original.._stime, MAN: (SYS: 1 Event -num 2 CONN: 1)

Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00event (0), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM,WARNING, 90, DP attribute was connected twice, DP: <DPE-name>:<config+attribute>, MAN: (SYS: 1 Event -num 2 CONN: 1)

This log-message describes that the dp-element <DPE-name> was used several times at one datapoint-function.
If you want to use several attributes (for the configs _original or _online) for the same dp-element in one datapoint-function you have to ensure that all entries in the parameter list are grouped together.

Example for the correct configuration:

Example for an incorrect configuration:

To get the information which dp-function has to be corrected perform the following steps:
-- make an ASCII-export of the _dp_fct-config (filter P + _dp_fct in the ASCII-manager-panel)
-- open the ASCII-file with a text-editor
-- search for the DPE-name given at the log-message

If the DPE-name is part of the parameter-list and listed several times in the same line you have to scroll to the beginning of the line to get the dp-element where the configuration has to be checked and changed probably.

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