PVSS00event - PARAM/WARNING - has more than 500 matching alerts

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during runtime or when configuring _alert_hdl-configs. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

PVSS00event (0), 2011.12.11 16:51:33.355, PARAM,WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, MCR:W_30_78_FIT_1300_01.alarm.Q_WL:_alert_hdl.._visible (Type: 953 Sys: 1 Dp: 64190 El: 123 : _alert_hdl.._visible) AlertTime: 2011.12.11;13:40:27:038 Count: 0, has more than 500 matching alerts

Log-message with symbolic names:

PVSS00event (0), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM,WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, <DPE-name>:_alert_hdl.._visible (<DP-ID> : _alert_hdl.._visible) AlertTime: <alert-time> Count: 0, has more than 500 matching alerts


This log-message describes that for the datapoint-element <DPE-name> more than 500 pending alerts are existing at the system.
It can occur if the option “Acknowledge old alarms” is activated at the alert-class used at the _alert_hdl-config for the given datapoint-element. If this option is used every single alert has to be acknowledged for a dp-element even if new alerts are already generated for this dp-element.

Normally this option at the _alert_class-config is used. If it is not necessary that all alerts and only the last alert for a dp-element has to be acknowledged please deactivate this option.
Only changing the settings for the alert-class has no effect to the living alerts.
You have to acknowledge the alerts which are pending.

The correction of the living alerts is possible with the following procedure:
-- stop the project
-- make a backup of the database excluding the VA-directories
-- open a DOS-box/command-shell
-- start the command <PVSS/WinCC OA-version>/bin/PVSStoolRepairDb -delafs living -proj <project-name> -log +stderr
-- confirm that the alert fileset "alliving" will be deleted
-- wait until the command PVSStoolRepairDb is finished
-- restart the project
-- check if the log-message occurs again and if the pending alerts are shown correctly at the AEScreen

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