PVSS00valarch - PARAM/INFO - Archive::doDelete - Cannot delete Fileset
Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during runtime. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.
PVSS00valarch(0), 2012.11.21 22:16:37.758, PARAM,INFO, 10007/va, in function: Archive::doDelete - Cannot delete Fileset C:\Projects\WaterSupply\db\wincc_oa\VA_0000/AR_0000_2012.09.22.-20.10.29 - Set has not been saved before
Log-message with symbolic names:
PVSS00valarch(<archive-number>), <TIMESTAMP>, PARAM,INFO, 10007/va, in function: Archive::doDelete - Cannot delete Fileset <project-path + VA-directory>/<archive-filename> - Set has not been saved before
This log-message occurs when the automatic deletion of an archive file was not done. The filename is displayed at the log-message.
The automatic deletion is not made when the config-entry deleteNotArchivedFileSets = 0 is used and the files which shall be deleted have not been saved to the backup directory.
Please check the configuration for the value-archive given at <archive-number> using the configuration panels at the System Management.
Especially the settings for the “Backup” have to be verified. Also please have a look if the backup works, e.g. by copying a file from the db-directory to the backup directory using the “Activity”-panel for the value-archive.