WCCOActrl/WCCOAui - SYS/WARNING - Manager, checkAnswers, Long outstanding message detected

Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during runtime when doing data requests. The messages are written to the PVSS_II.log-file.

WCCOAui      (1), 2024.08.11 16:11:49.628, SYS,  WARNING,    54, Unexpected state, Manager, checkAnswers, Long outstanding message detected. The message (Type: DP_MSG_FILTER_REQUEST, OrigMsgId: 99l, UserId: 0, Destination: (SYS: 1 Event -num 0 CONN: 1)) has not been answered by the target manager for more than 36.95 seconds

Log-message with symbolic names:

WCCOAui, <TIMESTAMP>, SYS, WARNING,    54, Unexpected state, Manager, checkAnswers, Long outstanding message detected. The message (Type: <message type>, OrigMsgId: <message ID>, UserId: <user ID>, Destination: (SYS: 1 Event -num 0 CONN: 1)) has not been answered by the target manager for more than 36.95 seconds

This log-message describes that the answer for a data request was not returned in less than 30 seconds. If the time of 30 seconds is exceeded the log message is written to inform the user that the request is still in progress.

A request for data is always send to the Event Manager. If a request for historical data is done the Event Manager forwards the message to the Data Manager.
In case of historical data request the log message still gives the information that the "Destination" is the Event Manager. It is not possible by design to identify the real destination as the Event Manager does not know which type of archiving is used.

Which manager is repsonsible to send the answer for the request you can identify on your own by checking which type of archiving is used and by reading the message type.
If the log message occurs often in the project please check which data requests are done, e.g. by using appropriate debug flags. It can also be done a check if there are possibly performance issues in the project, e.g. by checking the CPU usage for the WinCC OA processes.

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