WCCOAvalarch - IMPL/WARNING - Archive, doFileRestore, Not all files in action.files are present
Enclosed you'll find the explanation for a log-message which can occur during runtime when trying to import files for the value archives. The log-message is written to the PVSS_II.log-file.
WCCOAvalarch (1), 2015.04.07 11:11:24.441, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, Archive, doFileRestore, Not all files in action.files are present (ErrNum=28), Couldn't find any from sets identified in list
WCCOAvalarch (1), 2015.04.07 11:11:24.444, IMPL, SEVERE, 54, Unexpected state, Archive, doFileRestore, The action can not be started (ErrNum=31), Error encountered during processing of doFileRestore
Log-message with symbolic names:
WCCOAvalarch (<NUM>),<TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, WARNING, 54, Unexpected state, Archive, doFileRestore, Not all files in action.files are present (ErrNum=28), Couldn't find any from sets identified in list
WCCOAvalarch (<NUM>), <TIMESTAMP>, IMPL, SEVERE, 54, Unexpected state, Archive, doFileRestore, The action can not be started (ErrNum=31), Error encountered during processing of doFileRestore
The log-message describes that some of the files you’ve tried to import cannot be identified. Every archive writes an index-file AR_X (X is substituted with the archive number). In this file information is written for the archive-files and their current state (uncompressed/compressed, online/backup/deleted/restored).
If the files you are trying to import are not listed in that index file the process will fail and the given log-messages will be written.
Maybe there have been some manual modifications in the database which now cause the mismatch, e.g. deletion of the complete VA-directory before a startup.
If the complete directory is removed the AR_X-file will newly be created. Archive files which have been copied to the backup directory before cannot be imported again afterwards.