Why should I use the WinCC OA native gis viewer an not an ActiveX?

The native WinCC OA gis viewer has the best integration.

1. It understands the named colors in WinCC OA including animated colors. That is : you can assign a WinCC OA color to any shape in a gis layer.

2. The gis viewer has special functions to parse an alarm query and assign an alarm color to a shape in the map.

3. The gis viewer will work on all WinCC OA platforms including Linux.

4. The gis viewer can display various representations for a point on the map. It can display an icon but it can also display a live WinCC OA symbol ! ( You could display any WinCC OA object directly in the map )

5. It will also work when deployed in the WinCC OA Web Client ( an ActiveX would require a manual registration of the component )

6. No third party software. The WinCC OA viewer is a combination of C++ code using the Qt libraries. This ensures that it will remain working in future versions of WinCC Open Architecture.

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Programming / Scripting, User Interface, Special Functions / Features