AI Tender Assistant

Reduce tender preparation efforts significantly!

Are you tired of the time-consuming process of preparing tenders? Meet the AI Tender Assistant, a revolutionary tool designed to simplify and streamline your tender preparation process.

How Does It Work?

1. Upload Your Tender Documents: Simply upload the documents related to your tender project.
2. Get a Summary: The AI Tender Assistant quickly provides a summary of your project and its main requirements.
3. Automatic Filling: The tool automatically fills out the requirement list with answers from WinCC OA, saving you valuable time.
4. Review Proposals: Instantly receive proposals indicating which requirements are fully met or not met within WinCC OA.


Why use the AI Tender Assistant?

At ETM, we believe that our integrators deserve tools that make their jobs easier and more efficient. The AI Tender Assistant is designed to reduce the time and effort spent on tender preparation, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks.

Who can use the AI Tender Assistant?

Initially available for all WinCC OA portal users, this tool will soon be exclusively available for our partners.

Your Feedback Matters!

We are investing in this tool because we are confident that it will significantly reduce your workload. However, we need your feedback to make it even better. Try the AI Tender Assistant today and let us know how it works for you. Together, we can refine this tool to perfectly meet your needs. Give your feedback via the feedback button at the Tool.

Get Started Today!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your tender preparation process. Give the AI Tender Assistant a try and help us shape the future of tender management.

Try AI Tender Assistant


Please note that this Tender Assistant is in a testing phase. The provided answers should be independently verified, as we do not take responsibility for their accuracy or any potential misinformation. This tool is based on algorithms that attempt to generate appropriate texts based on probabilities. Therefore, it is possible that the answers may not always be correct or meaningful. Use the information with caution and at your own responsibility.

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