WinCC Open Architecture V3.20 now available

In an increasingly digitalized world, security is the key to the success and stability of companies. With the imminent introduction of the NIS 2 directive, the requirements for network and information systems continue to increase. Version 3.20 of WinCC OA also brings numerous improvements that make the development and management of automation systems even more efficient. By integrating the WinCC OA JavaScript Manager for Node.js, companies can use modern scripting languages to design their business logic flexibly and efficiently.


With the introduction of the NIS 2 directive, the requirements for network and information systems are becoming even stricter. WinCC OA fulfills all technical requirements that are relevant for compliance with the NIS 2 directive. With regard to the IEC 62443-4-2 standard, the requirements for security level SL2 are met 100%. WinCC OA already achieved high ratings in all security levels in earlier versions (up to 90% on SL4), which has been further improved with version 3.20. This makes WinCC OA the ideal choice for operators of critical infrastructures to not only meet the upcoming changes of the Cyber Resilience Act, but to master them proactively.

WinCC OA JavaScript Manager for Node.js

The power of modern scripting languages is utilized with the new WinCC OA JavaScript Manager for Node.js. This extension enables the use of JavaScript/TypeScript to implement your own business logic. The JavaScript Manager offers a native interface to WinCC OA data with a variety of functions for bidirectional communication. The range of functions will be continuously expanded via the upcoming patches for version 3.20. The entire Node.js ecosystem, consisting of around 2 million libraries and supported by around 17 million developers, is available. You can choose from a variety of (freely) available tools, such as debuggers, profilers and many more, to optimize development.

Optimized and simplified licensing options

WinCC OA licensing has been significantly improved to simplify the ordering and management process. All configurations now offer an attractive proposition that includes an unlimited number of user interface clients and I/Os as well as integrated connectivity options such as S7 and OPC UA Client and an integrated Postgres database for Historian purposes.

The drivers have been divided into two main categories - standard and premium protocols - replacing the previous system of over 20 different types. This change means that only one license is required for each protocol or driver type.

Previously chargeable options such as maintenance, recipe and scheduler are now included free of charge in the basic server license. This increases the overall benefit and cost efficiency of the system.

Check out the new version today!

You can find more information at the following resources:

Your WinCC OA Team 

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WinCC Open Architecture V3.20
WinCC Open Architecture V3.20
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