
This method must be changed for the user-defined class "OaAuthMethodUserdefined". The class implements an authentication method. This method must implement a password check for the user.


publicOaAuthenticationError checkUserPassword(anytype user/*must be of type OaAuthUser*/, string password, string &sessionID);

Parameter Description
user The user. The parameter must of type OaAuthUser.
password Contains the entered password as a string.
sessionID Return parameter. If the check is successful, a unique sessionId has to be returned via the sessionID parameter and the return value must be OaAuthenticationError::None. In case of failure the sessionID parameter must be an empty string and the return value must be of type OaAuthenticationError Enum.

Return Value

See the sessionID parameter above.


This method must implement a password check for a user. If the check is successful, a unique sessionId has to be returned via the sessionID parameter and the return value must be OaAuthenticationError::None. In case of failure the sessionID parameter must be an empty string and the return value must be of type OaAuthenticationError Enum. For creating a sessionID use the inherited function:

createSessionId(string username);



See also

User-defined external authentication