"text" (langString::text)

The function returns the text of a langString. The given parameter defines the language that is returned.


string langString.text();

string langString.text(int index);

string langString.text(string lang);

string langString.text(OaLanguage lang);

string langString.text(int index, OaLanguage &lang);


Parameter Description
index index of the language entry
lang string or OaLanguage enum that defines a language
&lang OaLanguage enum variable in which the language is saved

Return Value

Depending on the given parameter the return value can be:

Parameter Return value
- text in the currently active language
int index the text in the language with the given index
string lang the text in the language defined by the string
OaLanguage lang the text in the language defined by the enum
int index, OaLanguage lang the text in the language with the given index and the return parameter for the language. The languages are saved in the return parameter lang of the type OaLanguage enum


invalid arguments


The function returns the text from a langString. The given parameter defines which language is returned.


A langString is created and the text in the active language is displayed.

  dyn_string word;
  word[1] = "Information";
  word[2] = "information";
  langString langWord = word;
  DebugN( langWord.text() );


Miscellaneous Functions
