
The _NGA_Backend data point is structured as follows (default values based on standard InfluxDB® backend):

Element Name Type Default Description
general struct - Contains the sub elements
active bool true Backend is activated (can be used or not).
isLicensed bool false Used for internal license monitoring and is only valid if a backend/group is active. The license information is shown in the user interface. See chapter Backend list.
discardIncomingValues bool false Do not store any values/alerts (read only).
discardReads bool false Do not answer any read requests (write only).
pluginName string Name of the backend.
backendProcCtrl bool true Start / stop backend.
backendProcMgmt bool true Currently not used.
backendType int 0

0: Used for the NGA manager and "direct read".

1: Only used by the NGA manager.

2: Only used for "direct read".

profile string Backend profile on which the backend is based upon.
directReadDistPartner dyn_string Contains the name of the distributed partner backend.
comm struct - Contains the sub elements
zmqAddress string inproc://influxDB ZMQ connection address of a backend.
sendDpeWithName bool true Include DPE name with data (usage depends on profile setting).
sendDpeWithId bool true Include DP ID with data (usage depends on profile setting).
sendDpeWithAlias bool true Include alias with data (usage depends on profile setting).
splitSize unsigned 1000 Max. message size (lines) for read answers (should be > 10).
buffering struct - Contains the sub elements
bufferFilesLocation string Disk location for buffer files.
bufferFilesPrefix string Filename prefix for buffer files.
bufferingLevel unsigned 2 Buffer to memory and / or disk.
memoryBufferSize unsigned 20 Max. number of buffers in memory (> 0).
blockSize int 1000 Size of single data blocks (events / alerts).
timeoutUntilBlockIsWrittenToDisk unsigned 1000 Time to wait before block is written to disk (msec).
processOldBlocksAtStartup bool true Read existing buffered blocks from disk at startup.
timing struct - Contains the sub elements
sendTimeout int 500 Polling interval in msec for ZMQ, a high value will decrease performance (but increase the response time i.e. to stop the NGA), a low value will use more CPU.
maxBufferTime unsigned 1000 Wait time in msec for incoming messages before block is created.
waitForDBWrite unsigned 10000 Maximum wait time in msec for backend response on write operation; if operation takes longer, an error message is shown in the log viewer, and this value should be increased.
timeToWaitForFinishingAsyncOperInMilisecs unsigned 10 Time to wait for finishing DB write operation; if this period elapses, NGA will write the current data buffer to disk (if disk buffering is active).
database struct - Contains the sub elements
connection string Connection string to database.
user string etm Username for DB connection.
password string Password for DB connection (stored encrypted).
dbSpecific dyn_string DB-specific configuration as comma-delimited key/value pairs.
dbProcCtrl bool false Start (true) / stop (false) database.
dbProcMgmt bool true DB is started / stopped by backend.
privateKeyFile string The path of the private key for the asymmetric encryption of a password. The private key for the asymmetric encryption of a password should be saved here. For the asymmetric encryption, see chapter Asymmetric Encryption
publicKey string The public key for the asymmetric encryption of a password is saved here. For the asymmetric encryption, see chapter Asymmetric Encryption
monitor struct - Contains the sub elements
backendConnectedToDB bool Backend has a valid connection to DB.
backendConnectedToFrontend bool Frontend has a valid connection to backend.
lastError int Last error number received from the database (DB-specific).
lastErrorMsg string Last error message received from the database (DB-specific).
lastWrite time Timestamp of last write operation.
lastDpWritten dpId DP ID of last written data point element.
currentDiskBufferSize int Current size of disk buffers (number of buffers).
currentMemoryBufferSize int Current size of memory buffers (number of buffers).
bufferGrowthIndicator int 1: buffer count grows, -1: buffer count shrinks.
pendingBuffers struct - Contains the sub elements
startTime dyn_time The oldest time stamp of an event/alert in the buffer, meaning the first value.
endTime dyn_time The newest time stamp of an event/alert in the buffer, meaning the last value.
itemCount dyn_int The number of combined events and alerts in the buffer. 4 events and 2 alerts equals 6 items.
itemReduState dyn_int

The redundancy state when the buffer was created.

0 = Active

1 = Passive

Meaning: Active buffers are written by the active or the passive system.

Passive buffers are only written on the active system.

bufferLocation dyn_int

The logical location where the buffer is

  • 0 = Writing

    Buffer is currently being written to the database and is waiting for confirmation.

  • 1 = Current

    The current buffer into which new events/alerts are inserted.

  • 2 = Memory

    The buffer is in memory, and will be lost if the NGA exits.

  • 3 = Disk

    The buffer is on disk and will still be available if the NGA exits.

blockWriteDuration int Duration of last DB write operation in msec.
actual struct - Contains the sub elements
activeZmqAddress string Current ZMQ connection address of a backend.
displayName langString Name of the backend in the user interface.