Integrating OLE DB provider in WinCC OA
In WinCC OA, the OLE DB provider for the History DB is split into 2 modules (EXE and DLL component). These communicate through a simple COM interface.
Under Windows 64 bit the OLE DB provider is only supported for single server systems, meaning that the OLE DB manager (WCCOAoledb) runs on a single server system where the proxy runs on the server project. The OLE DB manager is not supported for redundant systems.
The provider EXE component is integrated into this version as a WinCC OA manager (WCCOAoledb). Communication with the individual archives is through TCP/IP. The provider DLL component supplies the queried data to the consumer (program that can be used to access data in WinCC OA using OLE DB):

Possible configurations
Consumer, provider (EXE and DLL), DM and archives on one common computer
This is the simplest option. All use the WinCC OA project config file and are installed with the WinCC OA installation. Communication between the provider and the consumer (Provider-DLL) is realized through COM.