Assign Symbols to DPT
A direct connection between the symbol and the corresponding data point type is used as basis for the simplified design of a user interfaces through the Simple Symbols. The connection is created using a configuration Panel and is later used as Simple Symbol.
To establish a connection between symbol and data point type, the "Assign Symbol to DPT" panel, located under the menu point "Simple Symbols", must be opened.

The menu point opens the overview panel for all existing data point types and general data types which are available in the WinCC OAproject.
Following general data types are available for the Simple Symbols: char, uint, int, float, bool, bit32, string, time

Data point types
The data point type overview allows it to select the data point type, that shall be connected with a symbol.
Changes of the assignments between elements of the data point types and the $-Parameters will only displayed correctly, if the symbol panels are newly opened.

Insert new symbol 
Adds a new symbol to the selected data point type. The symbol can be configured afterwards (see also: Edit Symbol Parameters).
Multiple symbols can be configured for each data point type.
Save configuration 
Saves all changes that have been made to the data point type.
Save changes before selecting a new data point type, else all changes for the data point type will be lost.
Delete symbol configuration 
Removes the symbol, that has been selected inside the data point type overview.
Faceplate configuration
The faceplate configuration allows to change the faceplate to the needs of the user. The configuration panel can be opened using the "Edit faceplate configuration" button. In the following, the available configurations will be described:

Main Faceplate
The main faceplate represents the panel, which shall be opened when the symbol in the user interface is clicked. The faceplate contains general information of the data point, which are presented inside the corresponding default tabs (see below).

Uses a default main faceplate.
This option enables the selection of a custom main face plate.
File Selection 
Opens a selection dialog for the panel, which shall be used as main faceplate. This panel will be opened when clicking on the symbol inside the user interface.
New Faceplate 
Creates a new faceplate and opens it inside the GEDI to edit.
A default faceplate will be used. It is located under objects/SimpleSymbols/<DPT>/faceplates/main.xml and can be changed according to the needed design / information.
Standard Tabs
The standard tabs represent a list of predefined tabs which contain information about the data point, which has been assigned to the symbol. Following tabs are available:

Tab for displaying values
Displays the values of the data point elements.

Tab for changing values
Allows the user to make changes to the values inside the faceplate. If the tab is activated, it will be visible inside the faceplate else it will stay hidden.

Tab for displaying periphery addresses
Displays the configured periphery addresses of the data point.

Alarm banner at bottom of faceplate
Activates the alert banner for the faceplate. This will be displayed under the selected Tabs and allows to display and acknowledge alerts.

Tab with trend as defined in DPTs trend configuration
Displays the trend of the data point. This must be configured inside the trend configuration of the data point type.

Tab for writing notes
Allows to display notes. The note must be stored inside a data point element. The
element can be selected using the selection dialog .

Data point specific tabs
It is possible to define new tabs to display information that is not available inside the default tabs (see above). To use custom tabs you have to insert the name and select the panel that will display the needed information. The tab will be added to the selected default tabs and will be displayed inside the faceplate. A double click on the "..." area of the row opens a selection dialog for the panel file. A double click to the "$" area allows to apply values to the $-parameters of the panel file.
The custom tabs will be appended to the existing tabs inside the faceplate.
The datatype of the tab name is a langString that allows to use multiple names for different languages.

Move selected element one line up/down 

Allows to change the order of the custom tabs. The selected entry will be moved.
Insert a new line to the table 
Inserts a new line to the table to add a new tab (name + panel).
Add new faceplate to the table and edit it in GEDI 
Adds a new faceplate and opens it inside the GEDI to further customizing the panel.
Remove faceplate from the table 
Allows it to remove the selected element.
A default faceplate will be used. It is located under objects/SimpleSymbols/<DPT>/faceplates/user_<Nr>.xml and can be changed according to the needed design / information.
Assigning the values
After selecting the needed tabs and pressing the Save configuration button
() the corresponding structure for the data
point type will be created and it is now possible to assign values of the data point
type to the parameters of the symbol. Additionally the displayed values for the
corresponding tabs can be selected.

Assign the values to display inside a tab
The elements Values, Change Values and Peripheryaddresses, which can be selected via mouse click inside the data point type overview, the values to be displayed in the corresponding tabs of the faceplate can be assigned. The data point elements can be assigned using drag'N drop to the table
If no values are assigned (= empty table), all values of the data point are displayed.

Configure symbol parameters

The configuration panel for symbols displays all available $-Parameters of the symbol. They can be assigned with data point elements or static values, e.g. colors. To assign data point elements of the data point type drag' drop the corresponding element into the value table.
This central configuration allows it, that changes inside the data point type can quickly be adapted inside the assignment and therefore all corresponding panels inside the user interface will be upgraded accordingly to the new assignments.
The parameter $DP, $DPE as well as $Symbol-File can not be assigned!
The $-parameter $Symbol-File will be used from the ScriptWizard and shall not be changed manually. The parameter is used as a link to the symbol panel.
The $-Parameter $DP and $DPE are used for the later assignment (see Drag'N Draw) and are therefore not available for the configuration.
Short name
Defines the name of the panel, which is used to select the panel inside the Drag'N Draw functionality.
File Name
The file name represents the path of the panel in which the symbol is stored. It can be selected and added using a selection dialog. As alternative, the file name can also be inserted manually.
Only .xml panels can be used.

Description field
Inside the description field (below the listing of the $-parameter) the description of the $-parameter will be displayed, if it is available.
Additional Information
Folder structure
When configuring a Simple Symbol, 3 folders will be created for the configured data point type. They are located under <WinCC_OA_Proj>/objects/SimpleSymbols/<DPT>/ and are used as container for the different elements of the Simple Symbol.
Following folders will be created:
symbol/ => Contains the wrapper panel for the Simple Symbols of the data point type
faceplates/ => Contains the main faceplate and the data point specific tabs for the Simple Symbols
The folders will only be created if a corresponding faceplate, tab or wrapper panel for the folder exists.
Wrapper panel
The wrapper panel is an important element of the Simple Symbols. It is used as container for the actual symbol and the click frame (only if the symbol has been created using the ScriptWizard). The speciality is that the wrapper panel by itself only provides the $DP. The parameter will be forwarded to the symbol, which contains all necessary $-parameter. They are set when the symbol parameters are configured. The $-Parameter $DP and $DPE of the panel are assigned when the symbol is added to a panel using the Drag'N Drop functionality.