
Estimates the periodogram frequency of a signal.


int RGetFrequency( const dyn_float& data, int userData = 0);


Parameter Description
data Vector of input data.
userData User data of the function call. The user data variable can be set to an integer value and be used to detect errors when calling R functions. Set the variable to an integer value and when the function is called and an error occurs, the specified integer value is returned.

Return Value

The function returns the estimated frequency and negative values in case of errors.


Estimates the periodogram frequency of a signal.

What is a periodogram:

To identify the important frequencies in the observed series, use the periodogram. The periodogram plots a measure to analyze the oscillation via frequency values of the observed data.


Estimates the periodogram frequency of a signal.

/* Estimates the periodogram frequency of a signal. Returns the estimated frequency and negative values in case of errors.*/

#uses "CtrlR"
  dyn_float df1 = makeDynFloat(31,31,33,32,34,33,32,35,29,34,38,40,37,38,36,36,36,39,38,40,35,32,34,32,34,29,29,28,31,28,30,34,33,28,31,32,33,33,33,35,36,36,40,38,40,37,40,38,40,38);
  int f;
  f = RGetFrequency(df1);
  DebugTN("the estimated frequency", f);


R Functions


R Control Extension

See also

R Control Extension CTRL Functions