WinCC OA Security Guideline

The Security Guideline ensures WinCC OA clients stay safe. Think of it as your personal GPS for using WinCC OA securely in a productive environment. Watch this episode to learn more!

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Welcome to another episode of our security series. Today we are talking about our WinCC OA Security Guideline and the benefits it brings to you as WinCC OA users.

Think of the WinCC OA Security Guideline as your personal GPS for using WinCC OA securely in a productive environment. It provides guidance and information for developing a site-specific security concept tailored to the unique needs of a WinCC OA system, including critical areas like server rooms and networks.

But remember, it does not and cannot cover every technical or legislative requirement that a security architect needs to consider for a real plant. That’s where the security architect steps in. They check all the requirements, evaluate threats, and select the right measures to protect the plant. The Security Guideline is like a toolbox for the security architect. It’s filled with solutions and methods to help them in their job.

  • For instance, it talks about implementing multiple layers of protection, a method also known as Defense in Depth which we will explore in a future episode.
  • Or let’s take the solution for connecting different network layers or zones in a more secure way by using a middle layer, which we call a De-Militarized zone.
  • Another measure discussed is system hardening. A technique used to disable all unused interfaces that can provide unnecessary access points for attackers.

Sounds like a lot of work, right?

But trust me, this effort and the costs are nothing compared to dealing with an on-site security problem caused by insufficient security measures. The goal is to make your system so secure that it’s simply too costly for an attacker to attack, forcing him to move on to another target.

So, in a nutshell, the Security Guideline plays an important role in protecting our WinCC OA clients from multiple threats in the digitalized world. The key is to customize the framework to your specific needs.