Defines columns and a list of datapoint elements to define the table to view. Either this or setQuery needs to be called in order to initialize this instance.
bool setDpeNames(const dyn_mapping &columnDefs,
const dyn_string &dpeList,
const dyn_string idList = makeDynString(),
const string dptName = "")
Parameter | Meaning |
columnDefs |
Definition of the table's columns. For each column, this parameter contains a mapping with the following keys. (For each key, a constant is defined as
well, see the code example in setQuery) :
dpeList | List of DPE names, each DPE defines one row of the table. |
idList | (optional) List of IDs used instead of the DPE names in callbacks. Each ID is used for the DPE at the same index and must be unique. |
dptName | (optional) When the column definitions contain datapoints and not only configs, all results need to have the same datapoint type, which needs to be specified with this parameter. It can be omitted when all columns contain pure configs. |
Return value
Returns "true" when the query could be generated and started successfully.
dyn_string dps = makeDynString("ExampleDP_Arg1.", "ExampleDP_Arg2.", "ExampleDP_Result.");
dyn_string ids = makeDynString( "Arg1", "Arg2", "Result");
view.setDpeNames(columns, dps, ids);