
Copies the specified source file to the specified target file or to the specified directory.


bool copyFile(string source, string target [, bool par3]);


Parameter Meaning
source Source directory. You can specify an absolute path or a relative path from the PROJ_PATH directory. NOTE: An empty string "" is interpreted as PROJ_DIR. If an empty string "" is used as source, the whole project is copied to the given path.
target Target directory. You can specify an absolute path or a relative path from the PROJ_PATH directory. NOTE: an empty string "" is interpreted as PROJ_DIR.

(Preserve bit), optional parameter. If the parameter is not available the default value is used. The default = false.

0 means that the File date = current time. If the value is 1 (TRUE) the target file gets the same time as the source file.

Authorizations are either granted with user +rw or go+r

(Read and write rights for the user, read rights for a group and others)

1 time and authorization are imported (getFileTimes() setFileTimes() )

Return Value

If copying unsuccessful 0, copying OK 1.




The file specified in source is copied to the file specified in target, the source and target directory must also be specified. Nonexistent subdirectories are automatically created.

Important: If a file with the same name as the target file already exists in the target directory, it is overwritten. So if you copy the file "test.txt"; from "c://test1//test.txt"; to c://test2//test.txt"; and a file called "test.txt"; already exists in the test2 directory, the test.txt file is overwritten.
Important: If a file name contains special characters (e.g. Chinese characters), the language of the operating system must be changed (in this case to Chinese).
Note: In case the copied file is a symbolic link (symlink), the referenced file is copied, not the link itself. In this case, no file metadata is copied except for the permissions.
Note: A file that should be copied into a target directory can also be copied directly to the target directory without specifying a file name. Thereby, the copied file is named as the source file.
  bool ok = 0;

  // The file in c:/test1/test.txt is
  // copied to c:/test2/test.txt.
  ok = copyFile ("c://test1//test.txt","c://test2//test.txt");

        //...Error handling...;
    DebugN("File was not copied", ok);
    DebugN("File was not copied", ok);


File functions



See also