
Returns a formatted string.


string uniStrformat( string format, int len, anytype value);


Parameter Description
format Format of the string
len Length of the string
value Variables to be used

Return value

If successful, the formatted string, otherwise an empty string.


uniStrformat() returns a string in accordance with the format string format in the length len , while using the variables value . The type of value is automatically recognized. Syntax for the format string:

The format string basically comprises two parts:

<align_switch> <var_format>

The first part <align_switch> defines the alignment of the text and can assume the following values:

\\left \\center \\right \\fill

Parameter Description
\\left left-justified
\\center centered
\\right right-justified
\\fill justified

The second part <var_format> comprises several components:

{[any_string][%<total field_length including commas and digits before the decimal place as well as decimal places>[any_string]}"

The following code lines:

float i;


/* The total length is 8 and there are 3 decimal places, therefore the number 8.3 is used*/

DebugN(uniStrFormat("\\left{%8.3 Kilometers}", 19, i));

Would look as follows:

WCCOAui1: ["3457.428 Kilometers"]

The following code lines:

float i;


DebugN(uniStrFormat("\\left{Here are%5.2 Kilograms}", 24,i));

/* The total length is 5 since a blank should be added after the word "are". Therefore, the number 5.2 is used (blank1.23). Since two decimal places are output, the number is 5.2*/

Would looks as follows:

WCCOAui1: ["Here are 1.23 Kilograms"]

The any_strings at the beginning and end are directly inserted in front of or after the value, and may, for example, contain the unit of the value.

The following restrictions apply:

<align_switch> is NOT optional, otherwise an empty string is generated!

<align_switch> defines the alignment of the text located between "{" and "}".


  float i;
  DebugN(uniStrFormat("\\left{%5.1 Kilograms}", 15, i));

The output looks as follows:

WCCOAui1:[" 12.3 Kilograms"]


