Requirements and Installation
WinCC OA version 3.19
Siemens ITC (Industrial Thin Client)
On the Industrial Thin Client build a connection to the server by specifying the IP address of the WinCC OA web server:
Log in as an administrator and create a new connection under (Connections).

Select WinCC OA, see figure below:

Specify the data:
"Connection name", "Description", "Server (IP address)", "Port" and the "Client ID" (the client ID is the UI number and it is 0 by default, If you want to use a specific UI number, you can specify it). Tick the check boxes "Autostart connection", "Show connection (Favorites)" and "Reconnect automatically". Click the OK button.
You can also specify a user and a password.

Click on "Exit" at the top right of the panel. Select the connection via the star symbol of the task bar. The connection to the server is built and a user interface is started.
The ITC shows the UTC time.