Manual Creation of Multilingual Projects

The following procedure for creating a multilingual project also serves as a guide to adding multi-language support to existing projects. In this case, however, output the existing project's database first.

Make a backup of the project that you want to edit.

  1. Export the data points using the ASCII Manager. We recommend that you use the filter options-filter TDOPA. If you also want to export the configuration's history, please use the option H additionally. Close WinCC OA to perform the following steps.
  2. The configuration fileconfig contains several entries "langs" for the supported languages. It may also contain one entry "lang" for the active language. If the lang-entry is not present, then by default the language of the first langs-entry is used as the active language.

    Take note of the Configuration of multilingual projects.

  3. Create a new database with the WCCOAtoolCreateDb utility. This program creates a new database based on the entries in the config file. If you convert an existing project, you must, after creating a new database, input the data points again through the ASCII Manager.
    <wincc_oa_path>\bin>WCCOAtoolcreateDB -proj <ProjName>
  4. Translate the panels that you have created with the Translator tool (see Translator, basics).