
Attribute (neutral) Type Description
_fct string function definition
_global dyn_string global variables
_param dyn_string parameter for function
_type int type of data point function
Statistical functions
_day int synchronization day
_day_of_week int synchronization weekday
_delay int delay time
_def_func int functionality for default value bit
_def_limit int threshold for default value bit
_old_new_compare bool If you set this entry to TRUE, the old/new comparison is activated for this dp function.
_interm var storage for intermediate results
_interm_res bool flag whether intermediate results should be calculated
_interm_res_cyc int cycle time for generation of the intermediate value in seconds
_interval int interval
_inv_func int functionality for invalid bit
_inv_limit int threshold for invalid bit
_month int synchronization month
_read_archive int flag whether archive should be read
_stat_type dyn_int types of the used statistical functions
_time int synchronization time
_user1_func int functionality for user-defined status bit 1
_user1_limit int threshold for user-defined status bit 1
_user2_func int functionality for user-defined status bit 2
_user2_limit int threshold for user-defined status bit 2
_user3_func int functionality for user-defined status bit 3
_user3_limit int threshold for user-defined status bit 3
_user4_func int functionality for user-defined status bit 4
_user4_limit int threshold for user-defined status bit 4
_user5_func int functionality for user-defined status bit 5
_user5_limit int threshold for user-defined status bit 5
_user6_func int functionality for user-defined status bit 6
_user6_limit int threshold for user-defined status bit 6
_user7_func int functionality for user-defined status bit 7
_user7_limit int threshold for user-defined status bit 7
_user8_limit int functionality for user-defined status bit 8
_user8_limit int threshold for user-defined status bit 8

"_dp_fct.._delay" attribute

If the attribute _dp_fct.._delay is not set when configuring a dp function, a default value of 5 seconds is used.

Constants for the ".._type" attribute

The following integer constants assign, to a data point, a config to mathematically link with other data point elements (see dpSet()).

CTRL constant int value Description
DPCONFIG_NONE 0 no function
DPCONFIG_DP_FUNCTION 60 data point function
DPCONFIG_STAT_FUNCTION 63 statistical function

"_dp_fct.._param" attribute

parameter list for data point function. Contains statistical attributes to be monitored.

"_dp_fct.._fct" attribute

definition of data point function.

"_dp_fct.._global" attribute

The dp_fct..global attribute defines global variables and their initialization value. The initialization runs when there are changes in the config or when starting. Logical uses of these global variables are determined by CTRL library functions and by transferring the global variables as reference parameters.

"_dp_fct.._stat_type" attribute

This attribute controls the statistical functions accompanying the DP function. The time parameters define the calculation times. Global variables can also be used here.

CTRL constant int value Description
SF_MIN 0 minimum
SF_MAX 1 maximum
SF_MIN_TIME 2 time for minimum
SF_MAX_TIME 3 time for maximum
SF_NUMBER 4 number
SF_SUM 5 sum
SF_INTRGRAL0 6 integral from step curve (0th degree)
SF_INTEGRAL1 7 integral from linear interpolation (1st degree)
SF_AVG 8 mean: SUM/number
SF_AVG_WTO 9 mean 0: integral from step curve/time
SF_AVG_WT1 10 mean 1: integral about the linear interpolation
SF_TIME0 11 time of the status 0
SF_TIME1 12 time of the status 1
SF_CHANGES 13 number of status changes
SF_CHANGES01 14 number of 0> 1 status changes
SF_CHANGES10 15 number of 1> 0 status changes
SF_SAMPLE 16 Value at start of interval
SF_ ENDVALUE 17 Value at end of interval
SF_DIFF 18 End values less start value


Applies a config with parameter settings for a DP function (DPE link). It calculates the function (p1+p2)*p3 on the DPE "TestDP_1.element", p1="ExampleDP_Arg1.", p2="ExampleDP_Arg2.", p3="TestDP_2.element":

  string p1, p2, p3;
  dyn_string ds;
  ds=makeDynString(p1, p2, p3);

For more details on the config "_dp_fct" see chapter Module PARA - dp_fct (DP function).