Log Files

The WinCC OA log files are stored in the <proj_path>/log/directory. For displaying WinCC OA log files use the Log Viewer.

Log files exist for all managers and drivers. The specific managers write error messages in the corresponding log files. Additionally the log directory contents the general log file "PVSS_II.log" as well as the "pmon.<hostname>.log" for the process monitor (PMON).

Basically, PMON protocols all executed processes and writes the information, warnings and error messages into the "PVSS_II.log" file. PMON writes into the "pmon_<hostname>.log"file (e.g. pmon.eiwrk028). This file stores all project-relevant information like start and stop. The debug outputs from WCCILpmon (stderr and stdout) are written into the "WCCILpmon_<hostname>.log"file.

PMON is responsible for monitoring the file size of the "PVSS_II.log" and "pmon_<hostname>.log" files. With the maxLogFileSize config entry in the [general] section the maximum file size can be specified (default = 10 MB, 0 = no limit). If the file exceeds this size, it will be renamed to "PVSS_II.log.bak" and a new file is created. An already existing "PVSS_II.log.bak" file will be overwritten. The log files of the specific managers are also monitored. The maximum size can be also specified via the maxLogFileSize config entry.

Note: WinCC OA supports JSON-formatted logging instead of the standard WinCC OA format. This feature helps to create logs that can be then easily parsed by third-party tools.

To enable the JSON logging format, the system variable WCCOA_LOG_FORMAT must be set to JSON:


In the following table you can find detailed information about the specific log files.

Log file Description
PVSS_II.log Contains general project-relevant information (initialization, start and stop process of managers, etc.).
WCCILpmon_<hostname>.log Contains the debug outputs (stdout and stderr) from WCCILpmon.
pmon <hostname> Contains project-relevant information about the project's start/stop process, about specific managers, etc. Facilitates the searching for project-relevant information.
WCCOActrl<nummer> Contains the debug outputs (e.g. shows all sent messages, all query actions, etc.) and error messages of a CTRL manager. A CTRL manager is the execution unit that makes the processing of user-specific programs (control scripts) possible. For information about the debug levels see WCCOActrl.
WCCILdata1.log Contains the debug outputs (e.g. shows all sent messages, all query actions, etc.) and error messages of the data manager. The so-called data manager is on the event manager's side. It is the connector to the database. On the one hand configuration data of an application are saved in such a database, on the second hand is it a historical record of value changes or alerts. For information about the debug levels see WCCILdata.
WCCILdatabg.1.log Contains the debug outputs (e.g. shows all sent messages, all query actions, etc.) and error messages of the data background manager (e.g. errors during alarm export). For information about the debug levels see WCCILdatabg.
WCCILevent<nummer>.log Contains the debug outputs (e.g. shows all sent messages, all query actions, etc.) and error messages of the event manager. The event manager is a kind of central data distributor, quasi the communication centrum for WinCC OA. For information about the debug levels see WCCILevent.
WCCILredu.log Contains the debug outputs as well as error messages of the redundancy manager. The redundancy manager acts for connection to a second, identical WinCC OA system with hot-standby configuration. For information about the debug levels see WCCILredu.
WCCILdist.log Contains the debug outputs (e.g. shows all sent messages, all query actions, etc.) and error messages of the distribution manager. The distribution manager is a module for connection to one or several WinCC OA systems. For information about the debug levels see WCCILdist.
WCCOAvalarch<manager number>.log Contains the debug outputs (e.g. shows all sent messages, all query actions, but also e.g. if values are written into older archive sets (debug flag 11)) and error messages of an archive manager. The archive manager is a value archive for historical recording. For information about the debug levels see WCCOAvalarch.
WCCOAascii<manager number>.log Contains the ASCII in/out error codes, which are displayed during the import or the export. For the list of the meaning of the error codes see WCCOAascii.
WCCOAascii_info.log Contains diverse state or progress information of the ASCII manager. The ASCII manager is a module for exporting or importing any configuration in ASCII file format (CSV).
WCCOAascii_log.log Contains the standard WinCC OA log outputs (also error messages) of the ASCII manager.
WCCOAui<number>.log Contains the debug outputs of a user interface. User interface managers act as the interface to the user. The log file includes e.g. outputs of CTRL functions that have been called via a user interface.
WCCILsim1.log Contains the debug outputs of the simulation driver as well as further information like stopping the driver. "WCCILsim" is by default available. It is a kind of placeholder as long as no real drivers have been configurated. For ability to make driver-specific configurations, this simulation driver must run at least.
WCCOA<APImanagerName>.log Contains the debug outputs of a WinCC OA API manager. The API manager is the "program interface" and is the synonym for all further managers, developed by the users with specific problem solutions based on the API interface of WinCC OA.
createDb.log Contains information about the database (creation, initialization and error messages).
dbRepair.log Contains internal information about the RAIMA database like consistency check and bug-fixes (in case of a database repairing need).
VALockTraceX.txt[.1-5] (1-5 0 Nummer des aktiven Archive-Managers) Debug files. They will be also created without an activation of debug flags.
WCCOA<TreiberName><nummer>.log Contains debug information about a specific driver, e.g. information about debug level 2 output - this option informs about the current process of the driver. For further information about the debug levels of the specific drivers see chapter Manager options, basics and the descriptions of the debug levels in the specific driver chapters.