Advanced options

Signing options

There are two possible ways to sign the msi packages:

  • Copying the file ./PackageData/automation/sign_TEMPLATE.bat into the root of the packaging directory structure, renaming it to sign.bat and changing the contents to your preferred signing options:
    • If this is found, ./PackageData/callSignBat.ps1 is used as the interface for calling sign.bat and no further checks for signing options are performed.
  • After you have set the environment variables PFXFILE and PFXPASS as well as the signtool in the PATH:
    • If you want to sign with PFX, you can either add environment variables for PFXFILE and PFXPASS yourself or you can use the ./PackageData/automation/setSignEnvironment_TEMPLATE.ps1, copy it into the root of the packaging directory structure and rename it to setSignEnvironment.ps1. SignTool.exe must be present in the PATH too for that to be considered.