DNP3 Driver

The WinCC OA DNP3(Distributed Network Protocol 3) driver uses an open, robust and modern protocol, which has similar characteristics and strong points like the IEC Driver. The transmission of any number of telegrams with different data types occurs between the WinCC OA system (master) and the outstation (slave).


The DNP3 driver is supported under Windows and Linux and can be used for:

  • transmitting telegrams to the outstation

  • polling telegrams from the outstation and

  • receiving spontaneous telegrams from the outstation

User Interface

The user interface of the DNP3 driver is composed of the Configuration Panel for the outstation and Peripheral Address Panel.


The WinCC OA DNP3 driver can be used in redundant systems. It is assumed that the outstation allows two independent and equivalent connections.

The layer model of the DNP3 protocol

The DNP3 protocol is divided into four layers, which are used for the communication between the WinCC OA DNP3 driver and the outstation. The layers are:

  • Physical Layer – the physical media over which the protocol is being communicated,

  • Data Link Layer – transmission of telegrams between sender and receiver

  • Pseudo Transport Layer – segmentation of APDUs (Application Layer Protocol Data Unit) into TPDUs (Transport Layer Protocol Data Unit).

  • Application Layer – segmentation of (Application Segment Data Unit) into APDU.

The WinCC OA DNP3 driver supports connections of DNP3 Level 3+ (WinCC OA as master and the outstation as slave). See also chapter Compatibility of the DNP3 Driver (Interoperability).

Chapter Description
DNP3 Driver, basics Basics, overview and links to the following chapters.
Requirements and Installation Requirements and installation of the DNP3 Driver.
Interface Requirements

DNP3 interface requirements of the DNP3 driver.

Physical Layer

Data Link Layer

Pseudo Transport Layer

Application Layer

Configuration of the DNP3 Driver Description of the DNP3 configuration panel.
Defining the Peripheral Addresses of the DNP3 Driver Description of the DNP3 peripheral address panel.
Internal Data Points of the DNP3 Driver Description of the _Dnp3Station data point elements.
Possible Config Entries of the DNP3 Driver Description of the possible DNP3 config entries.
Example for the DNP3 Driver Example of establishing a connection.
Details of the DNP3 driver Advanced information on the DNP3 driver (debug level, transformations, error messages and polling).
Compatibility of the DNP3 Driver (Interoperability) Description of the compatible object data types and their usage.
Summary and relevant Links Other relevant chapters in the Online Help.