Sequences allow to display cameras defined in a camera list on EWOs or display monitors. Camera lists can be used for an arbitrary number of sequences.
It is possible to run sequences fully automatic. In addition the user can play the sequence step by step and pause it anytime.
The following panel can be opened via the button Sequences in the system management.

Target monitor
Defines if the sequence is displayed on an EWO, a display monitor or a Video Management System (VMS).
- EWO configuration:
Parameter Description Name The name of the EWO must be specified in the shown text field.
Note: EWOs used as reference cannot be addressed.Interval Time in seconds after which the sequence proceeds to the next step Dialog Dialog of the EWO (1-24) in which the stream shall be displayed. The application must provide the corresponding grid setting. Workstation Number (manager number of the user interface) of the workstation on which the sequence is displayed. - Display monitor configuration:
Parameter Description Name One of the existing display monitors must be selected via the combo box. Interval Time in seconds after which the sequence proceeds to the next step. Dialog Dialog of the display monitor (1-24) in which the stream shall be displayed. The application must provide the corresponding grid setting. - VMS configuration
Parameter Description Interval Time in seconds after which the sequence proceeds to the next step. Dialog Dialog of the VMS client (1-24) in which the stream shall be displayed. The application must provide the corresponding grid setting.
Camera list
One of the existing camera lists can be selected via this combo box.
In case that a camera list which contains cameras from different systems is used, only cameras of the current system are displayed on a display monitor. If an EWO is used all cameras can be displayed.
Switching matrix sequence
If cameras that are linked via analog crossbars shall be displayed in a sequence it is necessary to configure a switching matrix sequence. The sequence is opened on an output of the crossbar. Therefore, only one stream must be opened and it is not necessary to change pool channels depending on the sequence cycle. A camera which is connected as analog camera to the encoder input which is used for the sequence is required for this. This encoder channel cannot be used as pool channel for the crossbar.
Allows to select one of the existing sequences. Moreover the following buttons are available.
creates a new sequence
saves the current sequence
renames the current
deletes the current
All sequences of the local system are displayed with name and status in the table on the right side. The following sequence states are possible:
Red and a stop symbol (=sequence is not completely configured)
Orange and a pause symbol (=sequence is paused)
Green and a play symbol (=sequence is running)
The button in the table opens
the operating panel of a sequence.

This panel allows to start and pause the sequence as well as taking steps forward or backward. Moreover it is possible to define the interval (1-60 seconds).