IEC 62443-4-2 Foundational Requirements

Die nachfolgenden Tabellen sind ein Auszug aus der WinCC OA Security Guideline und geben einen allgemeinen Überblick über die IEC 62443-2 Zertifizierung von WinCC OA. Weitere Details und detaillierte Informationen darüber, welche Sicherheitseinstellungen in einem Projekt vorgenommen werden müssen, finden Sie in der eigentlichen WinCC OA Security Guideline.

Wichtig: Die WinCC OA Security Guideline enthält zusätzliche Mapping-Informationen darüber, wie die Anforderungen aus der Norm IEC 62443-4-2 mit Features oder empfohlenen Konfigurationsschritten in WinCC OA korrespondieren. Diese Informationen sind in Kapitel 8 der WinCC OA Security Guideline zu finden.

IEC 62443 FR - Identification and Authentication Control (IAC)

ID Title Verdict
CR 1.1 Human user identification and authentication Component
CR 1.1 RE1 Unique identification and authentication Component
CR 1.1 RE2 Multi-factor authentication for all interfaces System
CR 1.2 Software process and device identification and authentication Component
CR 1.2 RE1 Unique identification and authentication Component
CR 1.3 Account management Component
CR 1.4 Identifier management Component
CR 1.5 Authenticator management Component
CR 1.5 RE1 Hardware security for authenticators System
NDR 1.6 Wireless access management Not Applicable
NDR 1.6 RE1 Unique identification and authentication Not Applicable
CR 1.7 Strength of password-based authentication Component
CR 1.7 RE1 Password generation and lifetime restrictions for human users System
CR 1.7 RE2 Password lifetime restrictions for all users (human, software process, or device) System
CR 1.8 Public key infrastructure certificates Component
CR 1.9 Strength of public key-based authentication Component
CR 1.9 RE1 Hardware security for public key-based authentication Not Applicable
CR 1.10 Authenticator feedback Component
CR 1.11 Unsuccessful login attempts System
CR 1.12 System use notification Component
NDR 1.13 Access via untrusted networks Not Applicable
NDR 1.13 RE1 Explicit access request approval Not Applicable
CR 1.14 Strength of symmetric key-based authentication Not Applicable
CR 1.14 RE1 Hardware security for symmetric key-based authentication Not Applicable

IEC 62443 FR - Use Control (UC)

ID Title Verdict
CR 2.1 Authorization enforcement Component
CR 2.1 RE1 Authorization enforcement for all users Component
CR 2.1 RE2 Permission mapping to roles Component
CR 2.1 RE3 Supervisor override Fail
CR 2.1 RE4 Dual approval Fail
CR 2.2 Wireless use control Not Applicable
CR 2.3 Use control for portable and mobile devices Not Applicable
SAR 2.4 Mobile code Component
SAR 2.4 RE1 Mobile code authenticity check Fail
EDR 2.4 Mobile code Not Applicable
EDR 2.4 RE1 Mobile code authenticity check Not Applicable
HDR 2.4 Mobile code Not Applicable
HDR 2.4 RE1 Mobile code authenticity check Not Applicable
NDR 2.4 Mobile code Not Applicable
NDR 2.4 RE1 Mobile code authenticity check Not Applicable
CR 2.5 Session lock Component
CR 2.6 Remote session termination Component
CR 2.7 Concurrent session control Fail
CR 2.8 Auditable events Component
CR 2.9 Audit storage capacity Component
CR 2.9 RE1 Warn when audit record storage capacity threshold reached Component
CR 2.10 Response to audit processing failures Component
CR 2.11 Timestamps Component
CR 2.11 RE1 Time synchronization Component
CR 2.11 RE2 Protection of time source integrity Component
CR 2.12 Non-repudiation Component
CR 2.12 RE1 Non-repudiation for all users Component
EDR 2.13 Use of physical diagnostic and test interfaces Not Applicable
EDR 2.13 RE1 Active monitoring Not Applicable
HDR 2.13 Use of physical diagnostic and test interfaces Not Applicable
HDR 2.13 RE1 Active monitoring Not Applicable
NDR 2.13 Use of physical diagnostic and test interfaces Not Applicable
NDR 2.13 RE1 Active monitoring Not Applicable

IEC 62443 FR - System Integrity (SI)

ID Title Verdict
CR 3.1 Communication integrity Component
CR 3.1 RE1 Communication authentication Component
SAR 3.2 Protection from malicious code System
EDR 3.2 Protection from malicious code Not Applicable
HDR 3.2 Protection from malicious code Not Applicable
HDR 3.2 RE1 Report version of code protection Not Applicable
NDR 3.2 Protection from malicious code Not Applicable
CR 3.3 Security functionality verification Component
CR 3.3 RE1 Security functionality verification during normal operation Fail
CR 3.4 Software and information integrity Component
CR 3.4 RE1 Authenticity of software and information Component
CR 3.4 RE2 Automated notification of integrity violations System
CR 3.5 Input validation Component
CR 3.6 Deterministic output Component
CR 3.7 Error handling Component
CR 3.8 Session integrity Component
CR 3.9 Protection of audit information System
CR 3.9 RE1 Audit records on write-once media Not Applicable
EDR 3.10 Support for updates Not Applicable
EDR 3.10 RE1 Update authenticity and integrity Not Applicable
HDR 3.10 Support for updates Not Applicable
HDR 3.10 RE1 Update authenticity and integrity Not Applicable
NDR 3.10 Support for updates Not Applicable
NDR 3.10 RE1 Update authenticity and integrity Not Applicable
EDR 3.11 Physical tamper resistance and detection Not Applicable
EDR 3.11 RE1 Notification of a tampering attempt Not Applicable
HDR 3.11 Physical tamper resistance and detection Not Applicable
HDR 3.11 RE1 Notification of a tampering attempt Not Applicable
NDR 3.11 Physical tamper resistance and detection Not Applicable
NDR 3.11 RE1 Notification of a tampering attempt Not Applicable
EDR 3.12 Provisioning product supplier roots of trust Not Applicable
HDR 3.12 Provisioning product supplier roots of trust Not Applicable
NDR 3.12 Provisioning product supplier roots of trust Not Applicable
EDR 3.13 Provisioning asset owner roots of trust Not Applicable
HDR 3.13 Provisioning asset owner roots of trust Not Applicable
NDR 3.13 Provisioning asset owner roots of trust Not Applicable
EDR 3.14 Integrity of the boot process Not Applicable
EDR 3.14 RE1 Authenticity of the boot process Not Applicable
HDR 3.14 Integrity of the boot process Not Applicable
HDR 3.14 RE1 Authenticity of the boot process Not Applicable
NDR 3.14 Integrity of the boot process Not Applicable
NDR 3.14 RE1 Authenticity of the boot process Not Applicable

IEC 62443 FR - Data Confidentiality (DC)

ID Title Verdict
CR 4.1 Information confidentiality Component
CR 4.2 Information persistence Component
CR 4.2 RE1 Erase of shared memory resources Component
CR 4.2 RE2 Erase verification Component
CR 4.3 Use of cryptography Component

IEC 62443 FR - Restricted Data Flow (RDF)

ID Title Verdict
CR 5.1 Network segmentation Component
NDR 5.2 Zone boundary protection Not Applicable
NDR 5.2 RE1 Deny all, permit by exception Not Applicable
NDR 5.2 RE2 Island mode Not Applicable
NDR 5.2 RE3 Fail close Not Applicable
NDR 5.3 General-purpose person-to-person communication restrictions Not Applicable

IEC 62443 FR - Timely Response to Events (TRE)

ID Title Verdict
CR 6.1 Audit log accessibility Component
CR 6.1 RE1 Programmatic access to audit logs Component
CR 6.2 Continuous monitoring Fail

IEC 62443 FR - Resource Availability (RA)

ID Title Verdict
CR 7.1 Denial of service protection Component
CR 7.1 RE1 Manage communication load from component Component
CR 7.2 Resource management Component
CR 7.3 Control system backup Component
CR 7.3 RE1 Backup integrity verification Component
CR 7.4 Control system recovery and reconstitution Component
CR 7.6 Network and security configuration settings Component
CR 7.6 RE1 Machine-readable reporting of current secu-rity settings Component
CR 7.7 Least functionality Component
CR 7.8 Control system component inventory Component