The Nodetype panel allows to edit existing node types, create new node types or delete existing ones.

Listing Nodetype
The node type list shows all existing node types. A new type can be added by using
the button. With
existing node
types can be removed.
The types "data point" and "struct" are available by default.
A node type contains the following information which is specified or automatically filled during the creation of the node. The node type ID as well as node type name can be changed afterwards.
Nodetype ID
The internal name of the node type.
Allowed characters are all printable characters from the ASCII character set, except . : , ; ' [ ] * ? { } @ $ ! > < / \ and space character.
Nodetype Name
Displays the node type. This name can be defined in multiple languages.
The value is a unique sequence number which is incremented by each new node type. In case of user-defined node types the number starts at 501.
Nodetype Picture
It is possible to add a icon for each node type for optical distinction.
If you modify the icon of the node type you have to restart the plantmodel editor. Otherwise the icon is not refreshed in the node tree.