
Sets the font and color for a file in a specific column.

This function is for use in the projectView.ctl file only (wincc_oa_path/[Version]/scripts/gedi/projectView.ctl). It is not advised to overwrite the original file, because this is effective WinCC OA wide. Instead, copy the original file to your project directory and make changes there. Thus the changes will only have an effect project-wide.


pvSetItemProperties(stringfileName,intcolumn,mapping props);


Parameter Description
fileName Absolute file name, for example, panel name or script name.
column The number of the column that was created using pvAddColumn().
props mapping defining the properties

Return value

In case of errors, the function returns -1. On success it returns 0.


Missing or wrong arguments

Item was not found


Defines the font and color for a file in a specific column.

The "props" mapping to set the properties can contain the following key/value pairs:

foreCol/string color-string, defining the color of the filename
fontBold/bool bool, defining if the filename is bold or not

For an Example, see pvSetItemText()
