LCD number
The attribute LCD number displays a number with LCD-like digits. Decimal, hexadecimal, octal or binary numbers can be displayed. Numbers in almost any size can be displayed.
Available functions | Description |
"decimals" | Sets the number of decimal places for a LCD number. |
"frameShadow" | The attribute "frameShadow" specifies the frame effect (3D effect) for an object (textEdit, progress bar, tree widget, thumb wheel, LCD number or zoom navigator). |
"frameShape" | The attribute "frameShape" sets the style of a textEdit frame, a thumb wheel, a tree widget, a zoom navigator, an LCD number or progress bar. |
"frameWidth" | The attribute "frameWidth" returns the width of a frame (textEdit, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or thumb wheel). |
"height" | The attribute "height" returns the height of an object (textEdit, progress bar, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or thumb wheel). |
"imageToClipboard" | Copies the image of a graphics object to the clipboard. |
"imageToFile" | Saves the image of a graphics object (screenshot). |
"intValue" | Sets the value (integer) of an LCD. |
"lineWidth" | The attribute "lineWidth" sets the width of an object line (textEdit, progress bar, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or thumb wheel (frame)). |
"margin" | The attribute "margin" specifies the distance between the innermost pixel of the frame and the outermost pixel of the rectangle inside the frame. |
"midLineWidth" | The attribute "midLineWidth" sets the width of the mid line (content) of an object (thumb wheel, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or progress bar). |
"mode" | Sets the mode of an LCD. |
"numDigits" | Sets the number of digits that will be displayed. |
"onColor" | Sets the foreground color of a LCD number. |
"segmentStyle" | Sets the segment style of a LCD number. |
"smallDecimalPoint" | If "smallDecimalPoint" is TRUE, the decimal point is drawn between two digit positions. Otherwise it occupies a digit position of its own, that is, it is drawn in a digit position. |
"underMouse" | Returns TRUE if the widget (textEdit, slider, thumb wheel, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or progress bar) is beneath the cursor. |
"updatesEnabled" | This attribute specifies whether updates of a widget (textEdit, slider, progress bar, zoom navigator, LCD number or thumb wheel) have been enabled. |
"value" | Sets the current value of a LCD number. |
"x","y" | The attributes x and y return the coordinates of an object (textEdit, progress bar, slider, zoom navigator, LCD number or thumb wheel). Attribute x returns the X coordinate of an object and attribute y returns the Y coordinate of an object. |