
A DpTypeView shows a data point type. This means that a data point type from a DPTreeView can be added (dragged) to the DPTypeView.

Available functions Description
"allColumnsShowFocus" Shows the focus for all columns of a tree widget.
"childCount" The attribute "childCount" returns the number of sub elements.
"columns" Returns the number of columns.
"contentsHeight", "contentsWidth" The attribute "contentsHeight" returns the height of a TextEdit text area or of a tree widget. The attribute "contentsWidth", again, returns the width of a TextEdit text area or tree widget.
"contentsX, "contentsY" The attributes contentsX and contentsY return the coordinate of a TextEdit text or of a tree widget. The attribute contentsX returns the X coordinate of the contents (text) on the left side of the view whereas contentsY returns the Y coordinate of the contents (text) at the top of the view.
"defaultRenameAction" The attribute "defaultRenameAction" specifies what action to perform when the editor loses focus during renaming.
"dpTypeName" Specifies what data point type should be shown in a DPTypeView.
"dragAutoScroll" This attribute can be used to enable autoscrolling in drag move events. The attribute also returns TRUE if autoscrolling in drag move events has been enabled, otherwise returns FALSE.
"focus" The attribute "focus" returns TRUE if the object has the focus.
"focusEnabled" Indicates whether the widget accepts keyboard focus.
"font" Sets the font for a an object.
"frameShadow" The attribute "frameShadow" specifies the frame effect (3D effect) for an object (textEdit, progress bar, tree widget, thumb wheel, LCD number or a zoom navigator).
"frameShape" The attribute "frameShape" sets the style of an object frame (textEdit frame, thumb wheel, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or a progress bar).
"frameWidth" The attribute "frameWidth" returns the width of a frame (textEdit, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or a thumb wheel).
"height" The attribute "height" returns the height of an object (textEdit, progress bar, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or a thumb wheel).
"hScrollBarMode" The attribute "hScrollBarMode" sets the horizontal scroll bar mode of a textEdit, tree widget or able.
"imageToClipboard" Copies an image of a graphics object to the clipboard.
"imageToFile" Saves an image of a graphics object (screenshot).
"isActiveWindow" The attribute "isActiveWindow" returns TRUE if this widget is the active window, otherwise FALSE.
"itemMargin" The attribute "itemMargin" sets the item margin for tree widget items.
"lineWidth" The attribute "lineWidth" sets the width of an object line (textEdit, progress bar, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or a thumb wheel (frame)).
"margin" The attribute "margin" specifies the distance between the innermost pixel of the frame and the outermost pixel of the rectangle inside the frame.
"midLineWidth" The attribute "midLineWidth" sets the width of the mid line (content) of an object (thumb wheel, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or a progress bar).
"multiSelection" Allows selecting several items of a tree widget at once (using SHIFT or CTRL).
"ownCursor" The attribute "ownCursor" returns TRUE if an object (textEdit, tree widget, slider, zoom navigator or a thumb wheel) uses its own cursor. If the value is FALSE, the object uses its parent widget's cursor.
"ownFont" The attribute "ownFont" returns TRUE if an object (textEdit, slider, zoom navigator or a tree widget) uses its own font. If the value is FALSE, the object uses its parent widget's font.
"resizeMode" This attribute specifies whether all, none or the only the last column should be resized.
"rootIsDecorated" The attribute "rootIsDecorated" specifies whether the tree view shows open and close signs on root items.
"selectionMode" The attribute "selectionMode" specifies how an object (for example, tree view) reacts to selection by the user.
"showDatatypes" Specifies whether the datatypes (of the elements) of a data point type are shown in a DPTypeView.
"showSortIndicator" By using "showSortIndicator", you can sort columns by clicking on the column headers.
"showToolTips" - obsolete Specifies whether the tree view should show tool tips for truncated column texts.
"systemName" Specifies from which system a data point should be shown using "dpTypeName".
"treeStepSize" Specifies the number of pixels a child is offset from its parent.
"underMouse" Returns TRUE if the widget (textEdit, slider, thumb wheel, tree widget, zoom navigator, LCD number or a progress bar) is beneath the cursor.
"updatesEnabled" This attribute specifies whether updates of a widget (textEdit, slider, progress bar, zoom navigator, LCD number or a thumb wheel) are enabled.
"visibleHeight" This property holds the vertical amount of the content that is visible.
"vScrollBarMode" The attribute "vScrollBarMode" sets the vertical scroll bar mode of a textEdit, tree widget or table.
"x","y" The attributes x and y return the coordinates of an object (textEdit, progress bar, slider, zoom navigator, LCD number or a thumb wheel). The attribute x returns the X coordinate of an object and y returns the Y coordinate of an object.