Editing graphics objects

Editing object properties

After a graphic object has been inserted, it will show the current default formats. You can edit the object properties centrally in the Property Sheet. In addition, you can access the formatting functions through the button in the Icon bar. The formatting tools of the icon bar can be used when creating new graphic objects.

To edit an object, select it. This changes the appearance of the object to a display showing a border line with eight green editing points.

Editing texts/labels

Some objects allow/require defining a text/label by using their editors (e.g. Checkbox, Combobox, Tab, etc.) or via the Property Sheet (Button, Frame, etc.). The font can be adjusted in the editor of the Font property.

Changing object names

The object name on the Standard tab of the property sheet will automatically be assigned when you create an object, for example, PRIMITIVE_TEXT1 or FRAME1. You can change this name by clicking into the name field.

Deleting objects

You can delete objects by:

  • pressing the Delete key

or using the context menu option Cut.

Keyboard shortcut

To directly trigger graphic objects with only using the keyboard it is possible to define a keyboard shortcut. Therefore a key must be defined using the ampersand inside the caption / text of the graphic object. The letter following the ampersand will be used for the shortcut and the graphic object can be accessed using ALT + <key>. For example, if you use "&Open" as a caption for a button, this will create the shortcut ALT+O for triggering the button. At runtime the caption of the button will be "Open". If ALT+O is pressed the button will be triggered inside the UI.

If multiple graphic objects use the same keyboard shortcut the usage of the shortcut will only toggle the focus between the graphic objects instead of triggering the object.

The keyboard shortcut can also be set using the property sheet of the graphic object, see Properties of graphics objects (Standard tab) > Hotkey

To display an ampersand ("&") in the text / caption of the graphic object you have to use a double ampersand ("&&").