Requirements and Installation


  • Correctly installed WinCC OA version (as of the version 3.13)

  • A valid reporting license

  • WinCC OA Reporting Manager

  • A reporting tool like BIRT or Crystal Reports, see chapter BIRT, basics.


A basic installation of WinCC OA is sufficient for using the Reporting feature. For further information on the WinCC OA installation, see chapter Installation.

Inserting the WinCC OA Reporting Manager

  1. Open the WinCC OA project in the WinCC OA console of the server.

  2. Add the Reporting Manager (WCCOAreporting) to the project


  3. HTTPS cannot be used with the free version of BIRT. The config entry httpsPort = 443 is set by default. Therefore, specify another port by using the config entry httpPort. Set the httpPort to 80 in the [reporting] section of the config file <proj_path>/config/config:



Note that if you are using other web applications such as the Desktop UI or the mobile app (see the mobile app documentation), the Http port is used. The default setting for the http port is 80. In this case, check and change the port settings.

Figure 1. Project Config file and Config entry "httpPort"

In order to use the reporting feature, no further steps are necessary for WinCC OA. To create a report, create a report project by using the reporting tool BIRT. To use BIRT, install the BIRT as well as Java software. The installation of BIRT and Java software is described in the chapter BIRT, requirements and installation.

WinCC OA offers the reporting feature as of the version 3.13. If you are using a lower WinCC OA version, upgrade your version.

HTTP authentication is activated by default for reporting in WinCC OA. BIRT does not support HTTP authentication. Therefore, set the config entry httpAuth to 0 (FALSE) when using BIRT. If you want to use authentication, use other reporting tools that support the authentication for web services. Use also the config entry NofThreads.


The file Reporting.wsdl is provided by the WinCC OA installation under <wincc_oa_path>/data/Reporting. This wsdl file is the interface to the reporting manager. Don't modify the reporting.wsdl file.

The Reporting_document_literal.wsdl file is available in the WinCC OA version for C# clients. It is located in the <wincc_oa_path>/data/Reporting directory.

The file includes all available functions, the function parameters as well as return values for external clients (e.g. BIRT). See also chapter Data source for wsdl files.

The following functions are available:

Select the function you want to use when creating a data set. How to create a report project, a data source and a data set is described in the corresponding chapters of the reporting help. Please refer to these chapters:

Note, however, that in order to create a report, the installation of BIRT software is necessary as already mentioned above.