Modbus/TCP Driver
Modbus/TCP is an adaptation of the serial Modbus protocol for TCP/IP communication. The Modbus/TCP driver can be used for Modbus/TCP or UNICOS at the same time.
Modbus/TCP is used to read or write data blocks on PLCs.
UNICOS is a CERN defined extension of Modbus/TCP. A communication with UNICOS is only possible if necessary programming is made in the PLC (see UNICOS, basics).
The information exchange takes place via different function codes (see Modbus/TCP driver details). These function codes are part of the peripheral address and have to be specified by the user.
The peripheral address includes the following points:
- Type - Modbus/UNICOS
- Number of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
- Function code resp. subfunction code for UNICOS
- Reference number
- Subindex

A unit address is required if several PLCs hang on one LAN-Gateway with an IP address (e.g. for PLC 2 and PLC 3). If the PLC has its own IP address the unit address should be set to 1 - e.g. for PLC 1 (see Configuration panel of the Modbus/TCP driver).
Since a PLC can be reached via several connections more than one TCP/IP connection can be assigned to one PLC. Maximal two connections to a PLC are supported. This means that two network paths are possible.
Master/Slave and Client/Server
The Modbus protocol is based on a master/slave topology. A master is the unit which initiates a bus transaction (request) in the communication. The master sends the requests and the slave responds to the requests. The slave may not send requests. A slave can never become active. In a TCP/IP environment the TCP client has to be the master since the client establishes the connection. The TCP server is the slave. The slave makes a "Listening Socket" and is able to respond to the connection requests and further to the requests via this socket.
The driver can both modes (master and slave) at the same time. The slave modus is needed to receive spontaneous data, the master mode to send commands and requests (this means that the driver establishes a connection with the periphery when it wants to send or request values. The driver also opens a TCP server socket at the same time. The socket allows the peripheral devices to connect to the driver and send data spontaneously.)
The following figure shows the data flow for a Modbus/TCP driver:

The master of the driver has to send a write request in order to send data to the PLC. The response of the write request is only relevant for the protocol layer. This is shown as dashed lines in the figure above.
There are two possibilities for input data: the master either sends a read request in order to query data from the PLC or the slave receives a write request from the PLC.
The slave responds to the read request with "dummy" data for simulation purposes. The query of meaningful data from the driver is not supported because the WinCC OA does not normally query the PLC data.