Cerberus Driver
Cerberus is a Fire, Intrusion, and Gas system. In a very easy manner, the WinCC OA Cerberus driver ensures the communication from and to central fire alarm systems and building security components in case of fire, gas or intruder alarms. The Cerberus system runs on a C-Bus network. Communication is accomplished through a DMS7000 (MK7022) which is connected to a CK 11 or CK440 Gateway that is connected to the C-Bus. On the C-Bus there can be terminals (CT11, CT4, CT411), Fire Detection centrals (CS10 or CS11), Intrusion (CS440), or Gas (CS60). The Cerberus uses sectors for the various functions: W - Fire, L - Extinguishing, S - Intrusion, G - Gas, P - Plant Monitoring, Z - Basic, K - Data Concentrator (only CERBAN).
WinCC OA Cerberus Driver is a slave. The communication is either initialized by the driver at startup, or occurs automatically after a communication error. All alerts / commands are transmitted in real time. The transmission status between WinCC OA and the central fire alarm system is permanently monitored. In the case of a communication error, the relevant data point element of the driver data point is set in WinCC OA and can be evaluated for alerts.
The alert- and command range includes the complete range of the telegrams according to the telegram table V4.4.

Chapter | Description |
Cerberus driver, basics | Introduction and links to other chapters. |
Requirements and Installation | Requirements and installation of the Cerberus driver. |
Establishing a connection | How to establish a connection. |
Possible config entries | Possible config entries of the Cerberus driver. |