XML conversion

This chapter describes the two possibilities of format conversion.

  1. Conversion via the GEDI or VISION, whereby only one panel can be imported at the same time.

  2. Conversion via the command line options, whereby several or all panels as well as a whole directory with panels can be converted.

Conversion in GEDI or VISION

Via the GEDI or VISION single panels can be converted to the XML/WinCC OA format. The panels which were converted into the XML format can be edited according to the XML schema and again converted back to the WinCC OA format anytime.

This is how to CONVERT A PANEL

The real conversion process you as user don't notice. You have only to save the panel in this format in which you want to convert.

  1. Click in the Panel menu of the GEDI or VISION on Save Panel As.

  2. A dialog box will be opened.

  3. Select the storage location for the converted panel. in the \panels directory

  4. Enter the file name of the panel.

  5. Select the file type to which the panel shall be converted (*.pnl or *.xml).

  6. Confirm with a click on Save.

A converted or edited panel can be opened in both formats in GEDI or VISION in a similar manner (Panel->Open Panel).

Command line options

You can also use command line options to convert several or all panels as well as whole directories. Enter the following options in the command line of the UI manager.

Option Description

Converts recursive all panels which are saved in the directory panels. After proceeding this option every panel exists only once in each format (XML and WinCC OA).

This option implicates the option “-n” which avoids a connection to WCCOAevent.


This option converts all panels and ignores the fact if a panel already exists in a converted state!

If a panel exists already in both formats, an error message will be triggered and written in the log viewer. Set additionally the option “-o”, if already existing panels shall be overwritten.

-xmlConvert -p <panel>

Converts the specified panel.


When using the option "-p" an indication of the relative path to the \panels directory is required.

-xmlConvert -p <startDir>

Converts all panels recursive within the specified start directory.

Note: When using the option "-p" an indication of the relative path to the\panelsdirectory is required.



Allows to define the target format when converting a panel.

-xmlConvert=XML - the panel(s) are converted into xml format. (Without name change).

-xmlConvert=PNL - the panel(s) are converted into pnl format. (Without name change).

When using this option, the file names are not changed but only the content is converted if necessary. A panel file is not renamed but a file in the target format is created. If a file already contains the correct format, the format is not changed.

If a panel file panel.pnl exists and contains already XML content, then using the option -xmlConvert=XML will not change the file (neither content nor name).

You can now also use the option -noBackup for xmlConvert, Thus, no .bak file is created.

-o Overwrites existing files.

The following example shows how to convert a panel using the command line options. The panel is saved in the current project.

If you want to convert panel "line.pnl" enter the following options:

- xmlConvert -p <relative_path>\line.pnl -o

The panel is converted and saved in the \panels directory of your project the first time or overwrites an already existing panel which has the same file name.


When using -xmlConvert as a command line option the usage of the "-proj" parameter is required and the project path must stated as relative path!